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ISY-99i and the Insteon Smoke Bridge


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I was mistaken as you can see the One Link sensors all have the following designations: http://www.firstalertstore.com/store/category/wireless-interconnect-alarms.htm


They also have the markings so what ever they sold you is incorrect.


So I received my hardwired SA521CN-3ST from firstalertstore.com over the weekend (http://www.firstalertstore.com/store/products/sa521cn-3st-onelink-wireless-hardwired-smoke-alarm.htm).  Unfortunately it looks exactly the same as the other 3 I've purchased.  No OneLink branding anywhere to be found.  I'm dumbfounded...I guess I cannot use my smoke bridge.

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So I received my hardwired SA521CN-3ST from firstalertstore.com over the weekend (http://www.firstalertstore.com/store/products/sa521cn-3st-onelink-wireless-hardwired-smoke-alarm.htm).  Unfortunately it looks exactly the same as the other 3 I've purchased.  No OneLink branding anywhere to be found.  I'm dumbfounded...I guess I cannot use my smoke bridge.


You're pulling my leg WTF???


The HA Gods must really hate you because that is simply incredible that four vendors are sending you the wrong product. Also given the fact the link you provided clearly shows the One Link logo etc.


I've been in several stores since we last spoke and have seen every one labeled appropriately. That was at Walmart, Home Depot, and in Canada Rona Revy.


I am at a complete loss why this is happening have you tried to link the new sensors?

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I wish I were pulling your leg.  Before I made this purchase I stopped into the local Home Depot, they appear to only carry Kiddie products here in Michigan.  I'll send a picture of the brand new one as well, just so you can see for yourselves.


I don't want to open it yet because now Smarthome is not refunding me for the other one I purchased, instead is replacing it.  This would be fine but I have a feeling I'll be getting another model of the non-OneLink variety.  If I open the one from FirstAlert, I don't want to be stuck with 2 smoke alarms that I don't need.  I do have an email inquiry into them to find out what's going on with "OneLink".

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Does this device have any sort of battery back up in case of line power loss?

No battery backup built in, but nothing preventing you from connecting to a UPS


When you enroll the device, you place it in a learning mode, at which point you are prompted to press the test button on one of your smokes furthest (all my smokes are hardwired interconnected) from the unit, then press the test button on a co alarm. I assume the device samples the signal to account for slight manufacturing variability or installation effects. Hopefully the sampled signal is used to reject false positives.

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I don't think wireless interconnect is same as onelink.


Its funny because they use the same terminology for the One Link? Its too bad the OP can't open the unit and try to connect it to the Smoke Bridge.


But, I can absolutely understand because I wouldn't want to be on the hook for $45 - hundreds of dollars for units that won't integrate with the Smoke Bridge. I really can't understand why the actual First Alert store sent him something that has no markings?


Because this is a trade mark brand for them and only those so listed operate via the One Link as I have read etc. Maybe they are dropping the One Link Logo?


I dunno, this has to be one of the most frustrating things to go through!


Just throw a guy a bone already . . . 

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Its funny because they use the same terminology for the One Link? Its too bad the OP can't open the unit and try to connect it to the Smoke Bridge.


But, I can absolutely understand because I wouldn't want to be on the hook for $45 - hundreds of dollars for units that won't integrate with the Smoke Bridge. I really can't understand why the actual First Alert store sent him something that has no markings?


Because this is a trade mark brand for them and only those so listed operate via the One Link as I have read etc. Maybe they are dropping the One Link Logo?


I dunno, this has to be one of the most frustrating things to go through!


Just throw a guy a bone already . . . 


Lol agreed...this is getting old, five smoke alarms and 2 bridges so far.  The manufactured dates on the smoke alarms are within the last couple months so maybe they're dropping OneLink but haven't publicly stated it yet.  FirstAlertStore.com has a 10-30% re-stocking fee regardless, so maybe I'll try connecting it anyways.

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Lol agreed...this is getting old, five smoke alarms and 2 bridges so far.  The manufactured dates on the smoke alarms are within the last couple months so maybe they're dropping OneLink but haven't publicly stated it yet.  FirstAlertStore.com has a 10-30% re-stocking fee regardless, so maybe I'll try connecting it anyways.


Well, they can't charge you anything if they indeed sent you the wrong device and it doesn't actually use the One Link protocol etc. Please do try to connect to the smoke bridge outlined by the full users manual and report back success / failure.

Edited by Teken
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Its funny because they use the same terminology for the One Link? Its too bad the OP can't open the unit and try to connect it to the Smoke Bridge.


But, I can absolutely understand because I wouldn't want to be on the hook for $45 - hundreds of dollars for units that won't integrate with the Smoke Bridge. I really can't understand why the actual First Alert store sent him something that has no markings?


Because this is a trade mark brand for them and only those so listed operate via the One Link as I have read etc. Maybe they are dropping the One Link Logo?


I dunno, this has to be one of the most frustrating things to go through!


Just throw a guy a bone already . . .

I don't own any FA smokes, but my interpretation is wireless interconnect is for homes which don't have the extra hardwired interconnect wire. Typically older homes before code required a hardwired interconnect. That might not be the same as onelink communication protocol. The SmokeBridge specifically says onelink alarms only. Edited by elvisimprsntr
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I don't own any FA smokes, but my interpretation is wireless interconnect is for homes which don't have the extra hardwired interconnect wire. Typically older homes before code required a hardwired interconnect. That might not be the same as onelink communication protocol. The SmokeBridge specifically says onelink alarms only.



If it does not say ONELink it does not work with the Smoke Bridge.



From Smarthome.com http://www.smarthome.com/first-alert-sa521cn-3st-onelink-integrated-wireless-smoke-alarm.html


I have a feeling something's changed and not been communicated.

Edited by mcwxlsxn
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I don't own any FA smokes, but my interpretation is wireless interconnect is for homes which don't have the extra hardwired interconnect wire. Typically older homes before code required a hardwired interconnect. That might not be the same as onlink communication protocol. The SmokeBridge specifically says onelink alarms only.


Understood, but the advert on the back of the One Link almost exactly mimic's the same information as the OP's. Way back in the day when Smartlabs first announced there would be some kind of collaboration with First Alert I ran out and purchased 16 units.


As the years went by there wasn't any signs of this mythical Insteon device to be seen or had. About 2-3 years later the Smoke Bridge was finally released by Smartlabs. At that point I was already fully integrated with my Security Alarm Panel via Kidd 120 VAC smoke detectors.


Shortly after this massive install there was a two week lightning storm event which took out more than 200 homes in my area. If it wasn't for my monthly fire checks I would have never found out the two detectors were blown or damaged. At the time in our area back up battery smokes were not required for what ever reason.


Several things came to light during that mishap and moving forward I have deployed systems that take into account as many situations / scenarios as possible.


- All hardwired 120 VAC smoke detectors are protected by SSR relays via optical coupling. Which avoids any possible voltage spike to damage the units. This circuit is now also surge protected up stream by a dedicated surge protector which monitors high / low voltage conditions and removes power if such a condition exists.


- As a extra measure of fail over using the power of the First Alert One Link. I have deployed multiple battery operated Smoke / CO talking alarms in each room, floor, zone, area. Using high capacity lithium cells not only provides long term use but absolutely avoids any possible chance of a lightning strike damaging these units.


- Couple this with EOL monitoring via the alarm panel if any of the 120 VAC units are ever damaged or not fully in spec a fault will be declared by the system.


- Finally, adding the Smoke Bridge I can integrate Insteon lighting as required. With the integration of the ISY Series Controller fail over messaging can be had which backs up the security alarm system.

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Well Smarthome graciously refunded the purchase.  They had not heard of any issues with OneLink being removed.  I'll let you all know what the response from First Alert is if/when it comes.


That's really great to hear and let us know what happens with the new ones you have on hand. Make sure you ask them (IF) there is a difference between the *Wireless* vs the *One Link* units.


If not great if so what are they?

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The Home Depot in South Hill, VA carries Kidde and First Alert smoke detectors.   They are not located next to each other so you may need to look in another isle.


Thanks LeeG, unfortunately I'm in Michigan!  Maybe you can ship one to me and I'll reimburse you through PayPal?


EDIT: Nvm, I didn't comprehend the purpose of your post until just now.  Thanks, I'll check around Home Depot for another location of smoke detectors.

Edited by mcwxlsxn
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So here's the low down directly from the manufacturer via phone call.


They are releasing more OneLink products that will be part of their own OneLink family e.g. thermostat, detectors etc.


They removed the name from any existing models b/c they didn't want customers to get confused about what family they were part of.


Supposedly, First Alert was supposed to only remove the name from the product/documentation, no physical changes but she could not confirm that 100%.

As such, there shouldn't have been any behavior changes with the new revision.


The woman I spoke with confirmed with a more knowledgeable colleague on all of this but neither were familiar with the OneLink and Insteon relationship.  Very nice and helpful but ultimately referred me to Insteon support.

Edited by mcwxlsxn
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Sounds like FA going after a cash grab in the HA market with new products, which have backward compatibility issues.


And another ill fated SmartHome product when FA removed onelink support from existing products. SH completely disconnected from FA product plans, leaving customers holding the bag.


I'm liking my Kidde RemoteLync decision even more.

Edited by elvisimprsntr
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So here's the low down directly from the manufacturer via phone call.


They are releasing more OneLink products that will be part of their own OneLink family e.g. thermostat, detectors etc.


They removed the name from any existing models b/c they didn't want customers to get confused about what family they were part of.


Supposedly, First Alert was supposed to only remove the name from the product/documentation, no physical changes but she could not confirm that 100%.

As such, there shouldn't have been any behavior changes with the new revision.


The woman I spoke with confirmed with a more knowledgeable colleague on all of this but neither were familiar with the OneLink and Insteon relationship.  Very nice and helpful but ultimately referred me to Insteon support.


Appreciate the follow up and details about this new One Link eco system being deployed by FA. Unfortunately, this begs to question will people moving forward who need to replace their existing smoke, CO, units be left in the dusk when a replacement is required?


I am sure happy I bought ten back up units for that just in case . . . 


Sounds like FA going after a cash grab in the HA market with new products, which have backward compatibility issues.


And another ill fated SmartHome product when FA removed onelink support from existing products. SH completely disconnected from FA product plans, leaving customers holding the bag.


I'm liking my Kidde RemoteLync decision even more.


Normally people know I have no problem throwing Smarthome / Smartlabs under the bus when warranted. But, if they are not aware of this change in state this is a failure on FA side. Then again Smarthome / Smartlabs isn't really known to communicate very well to anyone.


Let alone to their own employees . . .


I sure hope this isn't the demise of the Smoke Bridge because I will need to buy another unit for a back up if this one ever goes poof!

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  • 8 months later...

Does anyone have any updates on the situation with First Alert's OneLink detectors? I finally got around to connecting my SmokeBridge and one OneLink SCO500 (battery only smoke/CO) detector. Everything looks good from the communication standpoint.


I was looking to replace my decade old hardwired FireX smoke detectors with the following setup and wonder if I'll run into issues like the poster above if First Alert has made incompatible changes.


Hardwired non-OneLink detectors:

(1) BRK CO5120PDBN CO detector (for main floor)

(5) BRK 7010B Smoke detector


Bridge between hardwired and OneLink

(1) First Alert SA521CN Smoke detector


The existing SCO500 I have would cover CO detection in the unfinished basement (I have a ranch so no second floor).


Anyone have a setup like this?

Edited by MrTinker
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I haven't purchased anything yet except the Smoke Bridge and battery-only Smoke/CO detector I got as a set a year or more ago :)  I was inquiring prior to making any further purchases after seeing this thread.


Since I'm planning everything to be hardwired and interconnected via that method, the only thing I really need OneLink for is communication to the Smoke Bridge and the one OneLink only smoke/CO detector. As I understand it, the SA521CN would act as the bridge between hardwired units and any OneLink units you have. If one of the hardwired units were to activate, then the SA521CN would send that via OneLink to any wireless units.

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