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Switchlinc Issue...


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I have a guest bath that has 4 switchlincs. Two switchlincs are by the door and switchlinc #1 controls the lights and switchlinc #2 controls an outlet. The other two swicthlincs are in a different location in the guest bath. Switchlinc #3 controls the fan and switchlinc #4 controls another light.


I thought it was odd to have one of the SW control an outlet so I created a scene such that SW #2 is a 3-way with SW #3. So now the 2 SW by the door controls the lights and the fan (and an outlet that nothing is plugged into thus ignored).


So that's the setup.


Now for some reason if I walk in the bathroom and turn on the lights (SW#1) then the fan (SW#2) everything goes as planned but when I turn off the light (SW#1) the LED light on SW#2 goes down to the off position but the fan and SW#3 is still on.


Also, if everything is off, and I walk in the bathroom, double tap SW#1 on, SW#2 LEDs go up indicating it's on but the fan doesn't start and I never touched that SW.


Can someone tell me how to solve this? Seems weird to me. Thanks!

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Can someone tell me how to solve this? Seems weird to me.


Seems weird to me, also.


When you turn on switch#1, nothing happens to switch#2? What happens is switch#2 is already on and you turn ON switch#1?


You have no programs triggered by switch#1?

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Can someone tell me how to solve this? Seems weird to me.


Seems weird to me, also.


When you turn on switch#1, nothing happens to switch#2? What happens is switch#2 is already on and you turn ON switch#1?


You have no programs triggered by switch#1?


If everything is off and you turn on SW#1 with a single tap, nothing happens to SW#2. If SW#2 is on then you turn on SW#1 with a single tap then SW#1 turns on and nothing changes with SW#2.


If everything is off, double tapping SW#1 will change the state of SW#2 but not single tapping. If SW#1 and SW#2 is on and you turn SW#1 off...SW#2 changes to appear off but the fan continues to run and the other SW (SW#3) that is in a 3-way still looks on.

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I have no programs or scenes associated with SW#1. SW#2 has a scene that makes it a 3-way with SW#3. SW#2 and SW#3 are in 1 program that simply turns the fan off after 10 minutes. These programs or scenes do not have SW#1 in them at all.

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If everything is off and you turn on SW#1 with a single tap, nothing happens to SW#2. If SW#2 is on then you turn on SW#1 with a single tap then SW#1 turns on and nothing changes with SW#2.


I was wondering if, somehow, you had #1 and #2 in a scene, with #1 as a controller, with #2 having ON levels at zero. I guess not.


I suppose you could still check the admin panel device listing, choosing either #1 or #2, and further confirming there are no scenes with #1 and #2. But it sounds as if you are confident in this.


If everything is off, double tapping SW#1 will change the state of SW#2 but not single tapping.


Given no scenes involving #1, the only other explanation I can think of for a reaction to double-tap and no reaction to single tap is a program. But there are no programs. This continues to be inexplicable to me.


The exceptions that I can think of: X10. Do any of your devices #1 and #2 have an X10 address? Did you ever create links manually between these two devices, separate from the ISY scene process?


If SW#1 and SW#2 is on and you turn SW#1 off...SW#2 changes to appear off but the fan continues to run and the other SW (SW#3) that is in a 3-way still looks on.


This is not inconsistent with a scene or program involving #1 and #2.


I got nothing here. How far into your system are the tentacles of these three devices? How hard would it be to remove them from the ISY, perform a factory reset on the devices, add them back to the ISY and incorporate into your scenes and programs? I would check each step along the way, after factory reset, that this behavior is gone.


Short of that option, you could try a "restore" device for switches #1 and #2. Perhaps there are some lingering links remaining in these two devices.


I forget the exact steps, but there is also a way to compare link records in a device compared to what the ISY thinks should be there. If there is a mismatch, I believe restoring the device would solve this.

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At a minimum, I would try a factory reset on each switch involved followed by a restore device for each from the admin console. If there are any links created outside of the ISY, this will clean that up.



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