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Ignore On command from Motion Sensor


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It there someway to program ISY to ignore an on command from a motion sensor? My motion sensor turns on the desk lamp in my office. Sometimes, I want the desk lamp dimmed to 55%. But as soon as the MS detects motion, it turns the lamp back up to 100%. Is there a way to keep the lamp dimmed, other than becoming a statue?

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There is an Adjust Scene statement that supports changing the Scene Responder On Level and/or Responder Ramp Rate. The Adjust Scene statement changes the link record in the device controlling the desk lamp. This statement is something that would be issued once or twice a day say based on time of day. Not something to be used dozens of times a day.


The other approach is not have the Motion Sensor the Controller of the Scene. Instead the Motion On triggers a Program which turns the desk lamp on at 100% or xx% based on the If conditions or perhaps does not affect the On Level at all if the desk lamp is already On. This provides the most flexibility but adds a slight delay in turning the desk lamp On as the Motion On has to trigger a Program rather than being a Controller of a device.

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Although the Controller (Motion Sensor) is RF and will be asleep most of the time, the Adjust Scene would be changing the Responder On Level which resides in the link record located in the device physically powering the desk lamp. The Responder On Level can be changed without the need to communicate with the Controller (Motion Sensor).

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The other approach is not have the Motion Sensor the Controller of the Scene. Instead the Motion On triggers a Program which turns the desk lamp on at 100% or xx% based on the If conditions or perhaps does not affect the On Level at all if the desk lamp is already On. This provides the most flexibility but adds a slight delay in turning the desk lamp On as the Motion On has to trigger a Program rather than being a Controller of a device.

For my purposes, the delay is not objectionable. I've programmed the MS to turn on the desk lamp only if the desk lamp is "off", and it is working as intended.


When my MS senses motion, it blinks once, pauses for a second or two, then blinks 50-60 times very rapidly. I saw in one post on the forum that rapid blinking indicates a comm problem, but what is it trying to communicate with? As I said, everything is working as intended, so I am tempted to just let it be. But I am curious why this is occurring.


The MS is not a responder or controller of any scene. It is only involved in this one program.


Any ideas?

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The rapid flashing indicates the motion sensor was/is linked to one or more devices that can no longer be reached. This should be corrected as it consumes some battery life needlessly. Put the motion sensor into linking mode and issue a Restore Device which should get rid of any links that are not valid.

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Thanks, LeeG and Oberkc. That cleared it all up. I had never done a "Restore Device" before. The first command I found was "Restore Devices" so I clicked on that. I won't do that again, but I supposed it cleaned up my system. After I clicked it, I found how to restore a single device. Again, thanks for your help.

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