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Turning outside lights on and off


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I have been having intermittant results with a program to turn my outside lights on and off. I was doing it by turning a each light controller on at the desired date time and off at the deisred date/time.

Generally it works but sometimes a single controller does not respond.


The programs I am using are:



Time is sunset + 15 Minutes


Set 'Outside / Garage Lights ' 100%

Set 'Outside / Entrance Lights ' 100%

Set 'Outside / Landscape Lights ' 100%

Set 'Outside / Soffit Lights ' 100%



On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

Time is 11:05:00PM


On Sat, Fri

Time is 1:00:00AM


Set 'Outside / Garage Lights ' Off

Set 'Outside / Entrance Lights ' Off

Set 'Outside / Landscape Lights ' Off

Set 'Outside / Soffit Lights ' Off



Is it better to use a scene containing all the lights for this?


Is it better to use a From/To logic to control the scene? (e.g.):



On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

From Sunset + 15 Minutes

To 11:00:00PM (same day)

Or On Sat, Fri

From Sunset + 15 Minutes

To 1:00:00AM (next day)


Set Scene'zScenes / Outside Lights' On


Does from/to logic constantly send the scene on command during the desired time and not require any off command or does it turn the scene on once at the from time and then once at the off time?


If I use the From/To logic can I still overrirde it by truning a specific controller on or off during the designated period?


I am looking for a reliable methodology without having any excessive traffic issues.

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Generally it works but sometimes a single controller does not respond.

Absent other evidence, I take this as a sign of communication issues.


Is it better to use a scene containing all the lights for this?

I prefer a scene, but not necessarily for reasons related to reliability (though this may be a unintended consequence). I find scenes to be easier to manage as my system grows and my interests evolve.


Is it better to use a From/To logic to control the scene?

I don't believe there is an inherent benefit one way or another. I use both. I have an "all lights off" program which is set for a specific time. I have other programs which use the from/to construct.


Does from/to logic constantly send the scene on command during the desired time and not require any off command or does it turn the scene on once at the from time and then once at the off time?


Once at the beginning, and once at the end. Nothing between.


If I use the From/To logic can I still overrirde it by truning a specific controller on or off during the designated period?


Of course. One way would be to create a program folder, enabled by the specific controller. In that folder, put your from/to program.

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Further thoughts on scenes versus discrete devices in programs....


Generally, I have few devices that are not part of a scene somehow. I have found it useful to have a few global scenes, such as all-interior, all-exterior, all-guest. I also have some large scenes such as evening, landscape, exteriorflood. In the end, I have very few devices that are not part of some scene, somewhere. Such use of scenes makes one a little less dependent on a controller, and can help make troubleshooting a bit easier. Also, when I add a new device, including it into one of the applicable scenes is all that is necessary (no program changes needed).


Given these scenes, it seemed more natural to use them for timed events. In many cases, I have more than one program that turns on a given scene. Having it this way means that I don't have to duplicate a list of devices in more than one program, nor update multiple programs when adding/removing devices.

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