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Two Issues - Device Status & Connection Error


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I have MobiLinc Pro on an iPad 3 and iPhone 4. I have two issues - same on both devices.


The info below is recent activity on my iPad. Just so you know, after trying several things I uninstalled MobiLinc, shut down my iPad, restarted my iPad, and reinstalled MobiLinc.


First, although I can control a device I don't see the status of any of the devices on my MobiLinc.


Second, when syncing using HTTPS (via a cellular connection) I keep getting the "Connection Error Unable to connect to destination. Please verify that Airplane Mode is off." Even though I get this error, the screen walks through the update screens (parsing, etc.). And lo and behold, I can turn on/off devices. However the status of devices don't show (and as before I get the Connection Error message if I re-sync).


I noticed that MobiLinc doesn't automatically switch between the http and https modes when it's on auto connection mode. I have to manually switch them. When it's on auto connection mode and I turn off the Cellular, it remains on HTTPS (after which I force HTTP and it works). In this case after I time out and manually go into the connect method, select HTTP, then immediately select auto, then come back to the Lighting Controller, it switches to HTTP. But it never switches automatically.


Also, when both autosync over Wi-Fi and autosync over cellular are checked and auto sync over Wifi and cellular are both checked it always picks HTTPS and gives the "Connection Error..." message . Only unchecking autosync over cellular and forcing an HTTP connection allows the sync to work normally via the network.


This happened on both my ISY99i and the ISY994 (which I just updated to). I re-created the self signed certificate on the ISY994...no help there either.


Please help.





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Hi Steve,


I re-created the self signed certificate on the ISY994...


I suspect this is the root of possibly all your issues (I'm assuming you are connecting directly). When connecting via HTTPS MobiLinc will try to validate parts of the cert. Depending on how you created the cert either the cert isn't created properly to validate or if you checked any of the verify options in the ISY, that could also be a problem. Actually, please check this. That error message indicates the MobiLinc isn't getting ANY response from the ISY and thinks your network might be dead (Airplane Mode).


One way to verify if the HTTPS cert is the issue. While on your local network, in MobiLinc, set the connect method to HTTP and verify that everything works without error. If it does, switch the connect method to HTTPS. If you experience errors here, then it's the cert in the ISY or the verify options are checked in the ISY for client/server validation.


Please note that the Auto-Sync options, if enabled, will automatically download the full ISY config on startup. If unchecked, MobiLinc will only grab status of devices, scenes, and programs/variables/security/weather/etc.



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Hi Wes - I still have a problem and questions.


I did what you said to do. I turned off the cell data connection and attempted to sync over my wireless network. I unchecked both the Auto Sync over Wi-Fi and Auto Sync over Cellular settings. I switched to a connection method of HTTP and it worked fine. I re-set the connection method to HTTPS and the sync wouldn't work at all...no connection.


But that is not my problem... I can still control ISY from a remote even when it gives me all of those messages. I just get 1.) no status; and 2.) the connection error message.


My certificate was completely filled out and NO verify options were chosen. What is MobiLinc looking for?


By the way, what is the link that would get me to the instructions spelling out in detail the settings I should use?











Hi Steve,


I re-created the self signed certificate on the ISY994...


I suspect this is the root of possibly all your issues (I'm assuming you are connecting directly). When connecting via HTTPS MobiLinc will try to validate parts of the cert. Depending on how you created the cert either the cert isn't created properly to validate or if you checked any of the verify options in the ISY, that could also be a problem. Actually, please check this. That error message indicates the MobiLinc isn't getting ANY response from the ISY and thinks your network might be dead (Airplane Mode).


One way to verify if the HTTPS cert is the issue. While on your local network, in MobiLinc, set the connect method to HTTP and verify that everything works without error. If it does, switch the connect method to HTTPS. If you experience errors here, then it's the cert in the ISY or the verify options are checked in the ISY for client/server validation.


Please note that the Auto-Sync options, if enabled, will automatically download the full ISY config on startup. If unchecked, MobiLinc will only grab status of devices, scenes, and programs/variables/security/weather/etc.



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Hi Steve,


Try this to rule out MobiLinc (as I still think the issue is with the cert).


The status in MobiLinc comes from a real-time status channel MobiLinc opens to the ISY. If this can't be opened, then real-time status will not flow from the ISY to MobiLinc. My guess is that the Admin Console will not show real-time status either. Please try this and report back:


In a web browser go to https://ip_address:port and then proceed to open the Admin Console. Verify that you do or do not receive real-time status. For example, if your ISY's IP is go to: This will work if your HTTPS port settings are still the default port 443. If you changed the HTTPS setting to something else like port 500 then you would go to


Please let me know if, in the Admin Console through the link above, you are able to see real-time device status.



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Hi Wes.


I followed your instructions and I am able to see the real time status.


If the cert is the problem, why can I turn on/off devices from a remote LTE connection but not see the status.


Again, what is the link that would get me to the instructions spelling out in detail the settings I should use?





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Wes -


I want to email you the "connection details" as you requested but don't understand what connection settings you are asking about. Can you let me know please.



Just so you know I did the following:

1. Had my self signed cert re-created with the help of UD support.

2. Uninstalled MobiLinc from all my devices and removed it from the Apps (sending it to trash) in iTunes. Restarted all devices. Downloaded a fresh copy of Mobilinc Pro and reinstalled it on my iPhone and iPad. The problem I have is:

a.) When not on the local network:

i.) None of the status's refreshed.

ii.) I got connection error messages...but there was no connection error.

iii.) Mobilinc sometimes thought i was in Airplane mode (or to check if I was).

b.) When on the local network, everything looked fine.

3. Running ISY from my Win 8 PC via https://xxx connection worked fine.





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Hi Steve,


The problem is that the real-time status channel isn't being allowed to setup for some reason when you are external.


Can you email me a screenshot of your MobiLinc->My Settings->Lighting Controller page plus let me know what your ISY's password is (or change it for just me). That should give me enough info to attempt to connect to your ISY remotely to see what I can see.


Please email to support@mobilinc.com



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