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Current Status not Updating


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Hello ,


I have had several changes to my ISY environment so I am not sure which one is causing the issue, but the problem is I am not getting Device Status Updates. None of my Devices are reporting their current Status, and Programs are not responding according to Device Status.


Recent Changes Made include:

#1 Installing the Latest Java 1.7.0_40_b43

#2 Restoring my ISY

#3 Restoring my PLM


Everything appears Normal in that all devices are shown, and all Programs are shown properly, but nothing from the Devices themselves.


Scenes also do not show Device Status.


I am not sure where to begin Debugging this? Querying the Device does not help. although I get a "System Busy" pop up when I issue the Query Command.


The Log shows that Query is being performed.


The Error Log is Empty. (I Clear it before I issue the Query).



I ran Scene Test and it Succeeds and does turn the Scene On and Off properly, but the devices in the scene still report no Current State.


I tried turning Windows Firewall Off and that also does not work.


Any Ideas? Could this be a Certificate Issue? or something with the new JAVA release?


I am not sure how to proceed.



Charles Seiler

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It sounds as if you have asked all the right questions.


I might perform a "show links" from one of your devices and compare to the ISY records. If there reveals a mismatch, the only thing I can think would be to restore one of the devices to see if this solves your problems.


I have no idea if this would help, but it is not overly difficult to do, and with little risk.

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Nothing I tried worked including restoring the devices.


Finally I decided to Re-Install V4.05 and that fixed this issue. I can now see Device Status once again.



Not sure what caused this, but I am back in business once again.



Charles Seiler

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