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KPL Linc removal help needed.


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I had an 8 button KPL (v5.9)that was not functioning well (toggle modes did not stay and communications seemed off) and replaced it with a new DB device. I did delete the old kpl from the ISY before removing it and redid all of my links from scratch, not a swap. I just hooked the old KPL up in my bench test box and re-added it to the ISY. I did a factory reset on it and had selected to remove existing links. I set up a scene with all buttons as controllers of an io linc. Communications look good and all buttons seem to be working fine, except the D button was not controlling the C button led. Not a big deal for me.

The concern is that the F button, which used to control my night scene (kitchen lights and cabinet lights) is still controlling the cabinet lights. Only the load turns on, which is another KPL, not the scene since none of the other kpl buttons in the scene turn on. I then deleted all of the tests scenes and then the KPL from the ISY. I did a factory reset and then pressed the F button and the cabinet lights did not turn on. However, when I add the kpl back to the ISY the F button was controlling the cabinet lights again.

Here is the event log for an on and off press.


I went into diagnostics and did show links table for the cabinet lights a there on line 19 is a link with the ID for the old KPL. How do I remove this link.

  • 19 : 0F60 : 22 06 1B.55.1D 00 1F 02

Do I need to re-add the old kpl as a controller of the cabinet lights and then remove it. I was hoping to put this KPL back into service.

Thank you,




That line is a Deleted link record and should have no affect. If the Cabinet Lights are reacting to that link record the device is defective.


Do a Restore Device for Cabinet Lights device which will eliminate deleted link records.



I'll have to check the links again to see if there is another one. I saw this one on line 19 and did not look further. I will try what you suggested. However I have read that if there is a bad linc that restoring a device may not fix the problem since the bad link will just be rewritten.




Deleted links are not rewritten by Restore Device. An active link that the ISY thinks should be there will be written but not a deleted link.


I restored the responder device and checked the links table again. There on line 121 is the ID for the old KPL. I did not look down the list that far last night.

  • 121 : 0C30 : 62 08 1B.55.1D 01 00 08

I enabled the old KPL in the ISY and the F button no longer controls the cabinet lights. Looks like the problem is resolved, although I still don't think the old KPL ID should appear in the table.




That is another deleted link, this one for button H. It should not be there after a Restore Device. Can you post the Show Device Links Table display?



I am having trouble posting the table. I cannot copy all of it. When I save the XML file is there a way to open it as the table rather than the XML format.




It took a long time to go through each entry converting the values back to hex. I do not know why the ISY Restore Device would write a deleted link record. It looks like a Scene was adjusted after the Restore Device. Like the other deleted record it should not affect what happens when button H is pressed.


Thanks Lee. I really do not want to have to reset the KPL with the deleted link. I would be a lot of work to re-add all of the buttons to all of my scenes. I am in no hurry to add this KPL back into service but do have some ideas as to where I might put it. We hardly ever use the front door, but that is a likely location.



Do a Show Device Links Table and then Compare when the display completes. What does the ISY think that link record should look like?


Lee, I do not remember the exact wording, but that one link came up as different. Do I need to reset and then restore? Thanks for your help. Eric


The last link being discussed is a deleted link record. The device containing this link should not functionally be reacting to this link record as it logically does not exist. As with the first deleted link discussed earlier, if the device is reacting to a deleted link record the device is defective.


My normal direction about deleted link records is to do a Restore Device to physically eliminate the record. Unless the device is defective a deleted link record has no affect on the device. I would guess that most of the installed devices have deleted link records.

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