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All ApplianceLincs stopped working?!


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Before I throw these units away... I've tracked down some "bad com" devices in my home and was surprised to see that they are all ApplianceLinc V2: Two are V1.0, and two are V1.3.

- All 4 have the same symptoms. When I click On/Off in the Admin Console, the devices respond, but the Admin Console does not update its status and immediately reports it cannot communicate with the device.

- All respond to a query, and to a request to show device links tables. They can be deleted and re-added to the ISY successfully.

- I have 2 (newer) ApplianceLincs (AL's) left, a V2.7 and V4.1 -- they work fine.

- I can swap the locations where the Good & Bad AL's were plugged in, but the newer ones still work great, and the older ones still fail.

- If I piggy-back the good & bad AL's in the same outlet, the good work, the bad still fail. Even when I put dual band devices in the same outlet, and in other outlets around the room, those same 4 bad ALs always fail no matter what.

- I tried factory resets, and restored the devices, with no improvement.


So! Is this a relatively common failure, or am I missing something? I don't think it's the ISY, as I restored it to an older version and had the same results. I have Insteon devices in most all light switches and in several outlets of every room. Coms should be outstanding. I have about 20 dual band devices in place as well. So trash'em?



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This is a pure shot in the dark. I recall an option under link management where one could specify I1, I2, or Automatic (or something like that). Given the age of your failed devices, I wonder if they are communicating under the older insteon system and your ISY is set to the newer (I2?) configuration.

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Version 1.0 ApplianceLincs.

That is older than all of my 1.3 ApplianceLincs.

I have not seen any communications problems with mine.


I have the opposite problem. I have a few I2CS ApplianceLincs and trying to add them to my ISY994i was a chore.

LeeG pointed out that the I1 ApplianceLincs didn't support the messaging correctly used for linking and database changes.

I had to put my I2CS ApplianceLincs on a Access Points location then move them to their proper locations.


One side note. ApplianceLincs below V1.3 where on a voluntary recall by Smartlabs. Some inductive loads would cause them to smoke and not turn Off correctly. Seems the small capacitors across the relays contacts would short and the load tried to stay On through the partially shorted capacitors. I smoked one myself. Got 1.3s in the exchange.

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