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Mini Remote issues


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I have 2 mini remote keypads (2342-2) that have a specific scene that they both control. One of them, when I do an ON or OFF the scene, does what it should. On the other one, it also does what it should BUT it then blinks red for almost a minute. The troubleshooting guide says it's either a scene member not responding or software is trying to communicate to it. I notice in my ISY setup for both of the remotes that they are set as controllers as well as responders. I can't see why they would be responders.....but also, why would one have the red light blinking issue.


Any ideas where I'm going wrong here?

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The Mini Remote is a Controller Only device. The ISY does not assign it as an actual Responder. Do a Show Device Links Table for the one that flashes Red to confirm there are no link records that start with A2. See below a display of an 8 button Mini Remote. All link records start with E2 which are Controller link records.




The Mini Remote that is blinking Red could have a Scene update pending. Check if there is Green or Red Icon to the left of the Mini Remote nodes. If not then the Mini Remote is not able to communicate with one or more of the devices linked to it.


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I ran the link table. Got 38 links. All had E2 except for two 62s and one 00. Not that I know how to read these things, BUT, I see that some of the links listed there are ones that I have disabled. (This scene was a bunch of candle lights for Christmas. It's now only 4 candles to act as night lights.)


I have confirmed that the remote has been updated.


As I mentioned in my original post, when I check the membership of the Key it does show that it is a responder to the scene and also the other remote.

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The membership list is misleading as the Mini Remote is a Controller Only device. If the Mini Remote was actually a Responder there would be link records that start with A2 instead of E2. The link records that start with 62 are Controller links that have been deleted.


Verify that the Insteon addresses (in Red) in the active records are for devices that are active. A device that has been unplugged will cause the blinking Red LED.


E2 01 01.02.03 xx xx xx


If all the devices are available then the Mini Remote is not able to communicate with all the devices.

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I think I figured out what the problem was....and I feel stupid about it.


I had a program that was set to run at a certain time to turn on lights or if I used my mini remote. I also had the remote key as part of the scene. I'm assuming that's where things got screwed up as it was confusing it's self. The other remote that was to do the same thing was not listed in the program, but only the scene.

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