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ISY and on levels of dimming insteon devices -acting strange

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Ok, I want to ask about "on levels" for dimming devices and how they should work.


I am asking about what I see on the isy, not what the light itself is doing (to make this discussion easier).


My understanding, is that from the isy we can set the "on level" of a dimming insteon device (dimming keypad main button if load is directly wired or dimming inline linc) separate from the current state.


The device is turned off (via the button / or via the isy) the current state should be off (done with fast off - double tap on keypad button or fast off on isy).


1) When it is turned back on (tap button once), the isy should show that the current state is equal to the on level.


2) If the current state is changed at the device button or with the isy, the "on level" setting should stay the same and not change.


We are seeing situations where we change the current state (via the isy, by clicking several times on the current state setting or grabbing and dragging along that current state setting, or via the button with a tap and hold), then the "on level" setting on the isy changes. Sometimes it changes to match the current state, sometimes it changes to a lower level than the current state.


How should this work?

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It sounds like your understanding is as mine.


A couple of variables:


a) some older devices may require a power cycle in order to accept changes

B) apparently, some devices also have a "resume dim" feature that can be enabled. If enabled, it I understand it would override ON levels.

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