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Secondary Garage Door Sensor and Helpful Programs


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I'm using an IOlinc with a contact sensor like many on here to detect door status and control the motor. I read many old posts to get ideas and put my programs together. Thanks to everyone for their contributions.


I just wanted to share that I've added a secondary contact sensor on the guide rail on top with the magnet near the bottom of the door so that I can detect when the door is fully open. I'm much happier with the operation now that I can more reliably detect open and close. With just the bottom sensor, I can only know the door is not closed which does not necessarily mean it successfully opened. I only set my Open and Closed variables when both sensors agree on the state.


I have programs and variables to track a "close request" and an "open request" with a timer that creates an error state whenever the door doesn't show closed after a "close request" or doesn't show open (using the new sensor on top) after an "open request" within 15 seconds (time it takes to open and close). I also have a program that creates an error state and notification if the top and bottom sensors are both open for more than 15 seconds even if there wasn't a request to open or close which detects problems with an open/close request initiated from the manual wall button, car remote, etc.


Also, if an error and notification is generated such as when the door failed to close I also have programs that set an error variable that is then cleared with a notification saying the door has finally closed and all is OK. That way when I'm not home and for example say the door didn't close after somebody attempted to but that person then resolves the issue I'll get first the warning notification of the problem and then a notification it was resolved so I know all is OK and I don't have to fret and wonder and contemplate driving home. I also don't need to start texting/calling family members to see who was home, who caused it, was it resolved, etc. They get the warning notification too so I expect they'll normally resolve it on their own and when I receive the "problem resolved" text I know that indeed happened and I can go on about my day.


I control my IOlinc to open/close the door using the On/Off buttons of a KPL. Whenever the door is open I set the KPL On and Off whenever it is closed. The door can be opened or closed by pressing On or Off regardless of the current state of the door.


I also use an "Away" scene whenever we leave the house and it is activated whenever the Elk alarm is armed. I have one of the KPLs arm the alarm AND open the garage door when we leave so that with one button press the garage door is be opened, alarm is armed, and Away scene is set. Whenever Away is active and the garage door is open for more than 60 seconds a notification is sent so we don't accidentally leave the door open after we drive away.


I added a query to the error checking programs before notifying and setting variables in case the problem is simply an Insteon message was lost updating the ISY about its state.


A notification is sent any time after 10pm whenever the door is open and also whenever we turn on the Sleep scene at night.


I'm happy to share programs if anyone is interested.


Feedback and other suggestions encouraged.

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I am very interested in your programs. Please do post them :-)


One question though. For monitoring purposes, why add the extra complexity of the "full open" sensor? Seems like knowing the garage is not closed is all that is needed. That said, I am still interested in the code that accomplishes your existing scenario.


Thanks for sharing :-)

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The top sensor tells me the door is in one of the two states that are valid and safe: open or closed. Anything else is bad and I want to know that. If I send a request to open the door and it doesn't fully open I'll never know that with a bottom sensor only. I have a program to track an Open Request and an Close Request. Without a top sensor, I can't ever know the Open Request completed and clear out the Open Request variable. It's definitely not necessary but i find it helpful.


Later I'll add cameras to my setup and I'll be able to have a camera that shows a view of the garage door if I need it. Until, I appreciate the top sensor to know the door is opened.


I'll export my programs and post them here in a zip file.

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I have a sensor for fully closed and another for fully open. They drive EZIO2X4 Inputs. My doors are not visible from the house so knowing they are fully open or fully closed has been helpful. They simply turn On/Off KPL buttons which is all I need for my situation.

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Thanks, shannong!


I don't have a 2nd sensor for my garage door yet, but I had been thinking about getting one for the very reason you describe. I really want to know that the door is fully open or fully closed.


In my case, I have a Jeep that just barely clears when the door is fully open. In addition, if the top of the Jeep is on the view while backing up makes discerning the position of the garage door tough. I feel like I end up waiting an unusually long amount of time to make sure the door is all the way up. I thought it could be handy to set up red and green lights that indicate when it is safe to back up.


~ Bertram

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