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All off Scene Bug?!


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I've created an all off scene through my ISY 99, that works as it should most of the time, but NOT always. The scene has all of my devices as either 0% or Off. My ISY adjusts the status of the button through programs, but doesn't, or at least shouldn't have anything to do with the turning on or off of the scene. As I said most of the time it works as it should, the KPL button is lit b/c somewhere there's on or more lights on, and a single press shut's them all off instantly (no slight delays associated w/ a program or anything like that) But sometimes it seems to get hung up or something, where the lights slowly go off one at a time as if it were cycling through a program (though I affirm it is a scene!) and a few times it just waited more than a few minutes before shutting everything off at once. I logged into my ISY to see if I might stumble upon anything during one of these delays, and just as I signed in, the light's went off.


My best guess is to blame it on my modem. Is it at all possible that this can be caused by a moody modem?

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When the devices turn off sequentially that is the KPL sending group cleanup commands. This will happen when the devices did not "hear" the group command.


When the group command is delayed and then functions as expected it may be that the KPL is seeing other Insteon commands on the power line and is waiting for clearance to send the group command.


It sounds like intermittent interference.



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