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3-way togglelinc sharing neutral with dimmer togglelinc

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I have a 3-way togglelinc setup that I had working without any programming in the ISY (mainly because I haven't figured that out yet). The main togglelinc in the box that receives the line in part of a 5 switch box all sharing the same neutral. Again, everything worked fine UNTIl I added a dimmer togglelinc to the box that is supporting a totally different load. I used the same neutral for all of the switches in the box. As soon as I hooked up the second dimmer toggle, the main switch of the 3-way would not control the lights. Also, the dimmer togglelinc will not link with the ISY. The ISY finds it during the link management sequence, but gives an error saying it can't find an address. Any suggestions? I"m totally baffled.

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Most important DO NOT SHARE THE NEUTRAL! The neutral is likely rated for a 15 Amp circuit breaker. Using the same Neutral for multiple circuits exposes that Neutral to 30 Amp flow. Also if the circuits are on opposite 120v legs and the Neutral is ever lost the devices are exposed to 240v. Please do not expose your family to such a risk of fire. If the insurance company discovers this it would not cover the fire lose.

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Well, the only issue here is the neutral has been shared with the old switch for 25 years. I was just wondering if the shared neutral would interfere with the ISY's ability to link the switch.


I doubt that your old switch had anything to do with a neutral. This was a three-way installation? This is normally two travelers and a common. There is no neutral involved. White wires are not necessarily a neutral. The switch that has been standard for so many years makes no connections to neutral.


My first inclination is to wonder if there is a wiring problem here. If installing one insteon switch causes another to not work, this is more likely a wiring issue. How confident are you in the wiring, and your ability to identify hot, neutral, and load wires?


I was just wondering if the shared neutral would interfere with the ISY's ability to link the switch.


It is not necessary to share a neutral in order for insteon devices to communicate, nor would it cause a problem.

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