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Scene help...

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I've just connected Jandy valve actuators to an EZIO8SA to control my swimming pool. The Jandy valve requires a 24VAC signal to open and another 24VAC signal to close. I chose to do use 2 channels on the EZIO8SA for each valve to accomplish these tasks as opposed to using the normally open and normally closed contacts on a single relay. It's wired like this...


Pool.Return.Open = Relay 1 Normally Open

Pool.Return.Close = Relay 2 Normally Open


Pool.MainDrain Open = Relay 3 Normally Open

Pool.MainDrain Close = Relay 4 Normally Open


Pool.Skim Open = Relay 5 Normally Open

Pool.Skim Close = Relay 6 Normally Open


Pool.Waterfall Open = Relay 7 Normally Open

Pool.Waterfall Close = Relay 8 Normally Open


To make things easy I would like to create scenes that includes all 8 of these relay outputs. Then I want to set the ON levels for some of the relay in the scene to "OFF." For example if I want the skimmer to run I would turn "ON" the Pool.Skimmer scene which would set the valves to


Pool.Return.Open = ON

Pool.Return.Close = OFF

Pool.MainDrain Open = OFF

Pool.MainDrain Close = ON

Pool.Skim Open = ON

Pool.Skim Close = OFF

Pool.Waterfall Open = OFF

Pool.Waterfall Close = ON


So I created a scene with those members and set the "On Levels" according to that pattern. Unfortunately when I turn this scene ON all of the devices turn ON - even those members whose "On Levels" are set to OFF.


I know that dimmers can be set at something less than "ON" in a scene. It looks like digital devices can only be ON if the scene is switched ON. That defeats the point of having an "On Level" doesn't it?

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Isn't that a bug? If I set the On Level to 0% (Off) then the device should turn Off when the scene turns ON. If I set a dimmer to 1% in a scene then the dimmer goes to 1%. Why should a digital device go to 100% (ON) when set to 0%?


Creating workaround won't be difficult. But scenes are a bit wasteful as a workaround in this application. If a valve is Open for the current task and I want it Open for the next task then I will still have to turn off all of the "Open Valve" relays, Wait, then turn on all of the "Close Valve" relays, Wait, then turn on the requested scene.

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The Simplehomenet/Smartenit devices have been at their current firmware for several years. They have no plans to change how they work. The I/O Linc Relay reverses the command action based on On Level setting. With 0% On Level the Relay turns Off with an On command and turns On with an Off command. There is no absolute regarding how relays react across all relay devices.

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The whole thing is working pretty well now despite that initial issue. Thanks for your help.


One question...


To set all of the valve states (4 valves, ON and OFF signals for each valve) I have to send 8 commands. Is that a great deal of traffic that could overwhelm the system or make it less reliable. I added two second Waits between each of the commands in hopes of decreasing the load and increasing reliability.


On that note are scenes more efficient? Do they create less traffic than individual commands from a program?


Thanks again.

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Scenes produce less traffic for sure. A Scene On or Off uses a single Insteon command no matter how many Responders in the Scene. A Scene can be less reliable than Direct commands if the Insteon network is marginal in areas. A Direct command has multiple retries, a Scene has no retries. I would try using a Scene to see if it is reliable. If there are Insteon network issues that cannot be resolved go back to Direct commands.

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  • 1 month later...

LeeG et al,


Despite my bitching and moaning I've got this system fully implemented and it's working very well.


In fact using programs as opposed to scenes allows me to position the valves as opposed to using them as "on/off" block valves. The Jandy valves take about 20 seconds to open. Turning ON the Open Valve output for 10 seconds leaves the valve at 50% open.


It's important to put the valve in a known position - closed - before setting it t the correct position. In case something goes awry I don't want to dead head the pump.


As an added measure of protection I included a paddle switch in the piping that will turn the pump off after a few seconds if flow is not detected. That feature is Insteon controlled for now. But for reliability I might hard wire it in the future.


I/o -

Four Jandy valves -

Main drain

Main return


Vanishing edge drain

Pool flow paddle switch

Pool temperature

Pool heater enable


Insteon components -


Wireless thermostat (modified per thread instructions)

Keypad dimmer

Insteon IOlinc

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