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Trouble with "ON"

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Hi guys


I seem to be having a problem. I am not sure exactly when it started but I find this to happen in both the isy panel as well as mobilinc


When sending an "on" command a lot of my devices won't respond. I have to send a "Fast On" to get them to turn on. They do all respond to off and fast off


Is anyone else having this problem?



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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If using a Direct On (rather than a Scene On) check the On Level (applied locally) and/or Ramp Rate (applied locally). An On command directs the device to turn On to the Local On Level using the Local Ramp Rate. If both Local values appear correct change the Local On Level and Local Ramp Rate to some new value, when the change is complete set the Local On Level to 100% and Local Ramp Rate to 0.1 seconds. Then try the On command again.

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Hey LeeG,


Thanks that worked. I am not sure why but MANY of my devices were set with a 9min ramp and 0% local.


I had a problem a few months back where I had completely wiped out my ISY and had to re-add every device. maybe it happened at that point.


either way things should be better now.



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