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Insteon thermostats

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I am about to give up on the Insteon thermostats, but before I do . . .


Mode is cool. Set point is 76 degrees thermostat reads 77. Cooling starts. I get subscription feed back for the system state change. The set point is reached. The thermostat reads 76 degrees. I get subscription feedback that states that the system is off. I get no subscription feedback as to the current temperature. The admin console shows the current temperature as 77 degrees. I do a query of the thermostat. The admin console now shows a temperature of 76.5 and I get a subscription feedback of 76.5 degrees.


What am I doing wrong? I have two such thermostats and they both behave exactly the same way.

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What is the thermostat type?


I think the issue is related to the .5 degrees. The thermostat displays whole numbers only even though it tracks in .5 degree increments. I think the temp has to change a full degree before it reports a temp change.

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That might well be the case, but it makes it unreasonable since you can not make an application that is using the ISY as its data source to stay in sync with the Tstat. I guess I need to have a discussion with the Insteon people on Monday

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Since both the Admin Console and your app shows 77 the thermostat did not send back a change in ambient temperature. I have three thermostats in the test bed and I believe all need a full degree of change before reporting a temp change.


A work around would be to query the thermostat when it is no longer calling for heat/cool. Still leaves the value reported on the query different from the thermostat display.

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I came to the same conclusion. I will try a little program on the ISY tomorrow to see if I can issue the query when the thermostat either starts to cool or stops cooling. Is there a way in th e ISY program to sense that the thermostat has started or stopped cooling. Is there a way to send a REST command to execute a program on the ISY? If there is then I should be able to do as you suggest.



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Okay. Understand everything you have told me and thanks a lot. You have saved me quite a bit of time. I have one question though. In the program when the cool control lets say is off, that is not going from on to off, but off and has been that way for a while, wont the if statement on status being off constantly be satisfied and therefor keep triggering the then clause? Similarly for the on state?


Thanks again.

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The If Status 'xxxx' Cool Ctl is On/Off triggers the Program when the Status changes. It would trigger once when the Cool Ctl turns On and trigger once when Cool Ctl turns Off. Each event triggers once when Status changes. ISY is event driven so some event has to happen for a Program to trigger. Sitting in On or Off state does cause a Program to be triggered in a loop.


Not unique to thermostats. ISY is generally an event driven world.

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Thanks again. That was the piece of info I was missing.


As long as you are explaining things to me I am curious about something I see.


I have a program that responds to the press of a remotelinc button press. It checks the speed of a fan motor controlled by a fanlinc. If the fan is off it changes the speed to medium. Similar programs change the speed from medium to high. If the off button is pressed it does the obvious, high to medium, medium to off. It changes the speed by running a scene which sets the speed and also turns on an appropriate button (1 of 4) on a keylinc turning the other three off.


I see a noticeable delay of about 1 to 2 seconds between the button press and the action occurring, I.e. fan starts and keylink led changes. Is this normal? Just curious as it is not really an issue.

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A small delay when a device action triggers a Program is normal, particularly when compared to device A controlling device B directly with a Scene. The delay is the ISY identifying which Program to trigger and that Program issuing the next Insteon command(s).


A battery device triggering a Program can add a little to the delay as battery devices (depending on device generation) may require a 1-2 second Wait before issuing the next Insteon command to allow the battery device time to send a series of messages. Since a battery device is a Controller only it can take a second or so to complete what can be a sequence of up to 5 messages when a button is pressed.

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