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Garage Door Sensor Not Triggering

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I recently installed a Garage Door Control and Sensor that I bought over a year ago (ended up taking longer than expected). I was able to add it to my ISY though OrchMobileLink on my iPhone and I am able to trigger the door open and closed with the iPhone and though the Java app on my Mac, but the sensor does not seem to be working correctly. It shows "On" on both the iPhone and in the Mac app and nothgin I have done can get it to respond. This is the magnet bar sensor that came with the controller and holding the magnet up against, an inch away or taking it completely away produces no change.


I attempted to unregister the controller and sensor and re-add them through the Mac app only to have it complain that the address wasn't formatted correctly and then not respond to repeated attempts to add. Relaunching the app resulted in the error again on the first attempt and no response for additional attempts. I looked though the list of devices rather than allow it to "auto sense" and noticed that the device number, 2450,was not listed (which is why I mention that I bought it over a year ago). I was able to re-add it though the iPhone app again and I'm back where I started with control working and the sensor not.


I've double checked the wiring and looked at (though didn't completely understand) the settings for the sensor in the app. Any suggestions as to why the sensor may not be working correctly or how to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated,




There is a Green LED next to the wire connections on the I/O Linc. Does this Green LED turn On and Off as the magnet is moved next to and away from the magnetic switch?


That means the magnetic sensor is not connected correctly as the Sensor LED should turn On and Off as the magnet is moved next to and away from the magnetic switch. The two wires on the magnetic switch are connected to the I/O Linc GND and Sense points.


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