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Insteon reliability and behavior after power outage


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I’m currently a (dissatisfied) X-10 user. The hardware is nor very reliable. Some devices have mechanical problems (paddle switch not working reliable) and most devices don’t recover well from a power outage. Sometimes they have to be reset in order to function again.


Can some of you Insteon / ISY users share with me if this is still an issue or if it has improved?


Does ISY have the capability to set all devices to the state they where in before a power outage?




I too have had my share of X10 and the power outages. I switched to Insteon over two years ago. Initially (pre-ISY) I had nothing but problems with errant turn ons when the power went out and back on. At one time 3/4 of my 30+ switches were on for (days) after an outage. $$$. I then met Michel and ISY. The ISY can do just about anything you want, or can think of. I have mine mainly to turn off all switches every so many minutes when not home. Of course what I'm doing is only the tip of the iceberg. It has been 100% reliable for me. Insteon has been a great upgrade for me. Don't even think about it unless you have an ISY.



I’m currently a (dissatisfied) X-10 user. The hardware is nor very reliable. Some devices have mechanical problems (paddle switch not working reliable) and most devices don’t recover well from a power outage. Sometimes they have to be reset in order to function again.


Can some of you Insteon / ISY users share with me if this is still an issue or if it has improved?


Does ISY have the capability to set all devices to the state they where in before a power outage?


Insteon has had its share of problems, including paddle switch failures and devices that turn themselves ON after a power outage.


However I believe almost a year ago Smarthome rolled out updated tact switches into their products, and I haven't heard of excessive switch failures since then. They also fixed firmware issues in a couple devices that had the 'on after power failure' bug. So, I don't think either of these would be issues for you today.


I don't experience power failures often in my home, but when I do I certainly don't have to run around resetting devices. That being said, I also have a whole house surge protector to help with these kinds of things - especially the power surge that sometimes accompanies power being suddenly restored.


Actually there was a thread a few weeks ago (on Tech mall) about KPL's locking up after a power surge. This is a known problem admited by SH and they have a written procedure they emailed out to people who have bought KPL's according to their records. I dont have time at the moment but if you do a search on Tech mall you will find the thread I am sure. A copy of the SH letter is in the thread.



The letter also had a number to call if the problem was becoming excessive. I am only assuming that means in those cases they will replace them.


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