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Keypad Question for Vacation On/Off


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I am trying to configure a button on a Keypad for vacation on/off for programs to run in a folder.  When I select status for the button it shows off, 0-100%, and responding.  There is no "on" option.  I tried 100% for "on" but the programs would not run. 


I am using Version: 4.2.5.


Any ideas.



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Thanks Oberkc. 


Yes it is a dimmer.  I also tried status "is not off", but it did not seem to work either.  Here  is how I tested:


A ran the "if and then" statement for this program.


        From    Sunset  +  1 hour  and 15 minutes
        To      11:20:00PM (same day)
        Set Scene 'KPL Hall / Entry Lights' On
        Set Scene 'KPL Hall / Entry Lights' Off


Lights never turned on. 


I also just tried this but received the same results.


        From    10:59:00PM
        To      11:20:00PM (same day)
        Set Scene 'KPL Hall / Entry Lights' On
        Set Scene 'KPL Hall / Entry Lights' Off





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The Program will trigger as True and run the Then clause only at the exact From time.  The Program will trigger as False and run the Else clause only at the exact To Time.  Go to the Programs | Summary page and check the Status and Last Run Time columns for when the Program was last triggered and what the Status (True/False) was.


If under a Folder that is checking a KPL button Status also check the Folder Status for True/False.  

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Oberkc/LeeG/Larryllix -


Thanks for your feed back.


Here are the results:


Folder Conditions for 'Vacation'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.


        Status  'Entry Lights / 2A.11.10.G' is 100%
   Allow the programs in this folder to run.



1. Keypad button was turned on

2. before the "from time" occurred

3. before the "to time" occurred


It worked jus fine.  The folder under summary went to true.


I tested again:

1. Keypad was button was off

2. before the "from time" occurred

3. before the "to time" occurred

Lights turned on/off even though Keypad button was off.

Under summary Folder still showed true even though the keypad light was off.


Any ideas.



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Under summary Folder still showed true even though the keypad light was off.


OK.  There are a couple of things to look for to isolate the cause.  Make sure that the ISY accurately reflects keypad status.  When the entry lights are off, does the ISY show it OFF in the device list?  If not, perhaps you have a communication problem.


If the ISY shows entry lights status as off, and the folder condition still true, I have no clue what would cause that.

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That indicates the KeypadLinc does not have good comm with the ISY.   The Folder should change from True to False as the KPL button is turned from On (100%) to Off.   The False Folder Status would prevent the Program(s) under the Folder from being triggered.


Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3.   Tap button G On and Off and see if the On/Off messages are being received.  The Off message should turn the Folder False.   

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LeeG -


After running diagnostics as explained above, the event viewer was blank, when I tried with a different Keypad in another location plenty of data was displayed. 


Oberkc -


When I turn on/off  the entry lights manually the admin console does not display the correct status until I query manually.  Is there a way I can query the status of the keypad button so program will run correctly.



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While, theoretically, you could query a device, I suspect you will not get good results without correcting your communications issues. With that in mind, do you have two dual band devices confirmed (by tesing using the methods in the manual)? Access points? Is your PLM on a power strip or ups? Is the plm on a circuit with lots of other computer equipment?

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I would , then, temporarily run an extension cord from another circuit in another room, into which I would plug the PLM. Once done, I would see if the comm problems are solved. If so, I would put all that other computer equipment on a filter.


It is also worth rechecking the access points, in my mind.


Is this keypad the only device that appears to be having trouble communicating with the ISY?

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Oberkc -


I have tried plugging the PLM into different circuits, but the results do not change.  I see no activity in the event viewer (# 3) at all using this Keypad.  I have tried other buttons, on the same Keypad and still do not receive any results in the event viewer (Number 3).  So it seems the keypad is the only device giving me communication issues.  I have tried other switch links in the same electrical box and all seem to send result to event viewer.


What I don't understand is why when I use the keypad I do not see any results in the event viewer, but when I use the device that the keypad controls it shows activity in the event viewer.



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What I don't understand is why when I use the keypad I do not see any results in the event viewer, but when I use the device that the keypad controls it shows activity in the event viewer.


What else is on the circuit containing the keypad? 


I have a troublesome keypad also, but different kinds of troubles than yours.  Mine seems to have trouble with writing changes from the ISY.  Interestingly, it otherwise seems to work.


I began to wonder of the kinds of failure modes that these things can have.  Perhaps the troubles you are seeing is indicative of a faulty device?  The only way that I can think to test would be to take it out and temporarily wire it to an extension cord, then plug it into the same outlet as the PLM. 


You asked earlier about a query.  Do you still have the standard 3:00am query program?  I still consider this a kluge, but it may get you by.  I just depends on how important is a quick response to your button press.

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Oberkc -


On the circuit I have 3 switchlinks, one is not behaving, it will not turn load off after pressing it.  I think it needs to be replaced. I replaced the keypad recently as well.  I still have the query program running at 3AM. 


LeeG -


The restore will restore from which file, or does it just reset the PLM. 



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A Restore Modem (PLM) rebuilds the PLM link database from the information the ISY is maintaining on the link records that should be in the PLM.   The process will eliminate duplicate and no longer used link records.  I do not know which internal ISY file contains that information and it does not matter. 

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No.   The ISY understands a new PLM is in use after the new PLM and ISY have been power cycled.   The Restore Modem (PLM) will not only rebuild the new PLM, it also rebuilds the individual devices.   Note that if there are battery powered devices they will have to be restored one at a time after the Restore Modem (PLM) command completes.

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That indicates the KeypadLinc does not have good comm with the ISY.   The Folder should change from True to False as the KPL button is turned from On (100%) to Off.   The False Folder Status would prevent the Program(s) under the Folder from being triggered.


Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3.   Tap button G On and Off and see if the On/Off messages are being received.  The Off message should turn the Folder False.   

LeeG / Oberkc -


After replacing the PLM, everything is working perfectly.  The event viewer now displays data when the G button is pressed on the Keypad, and True / False now shows correctly in summary.





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