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Frustrated Keypad owner


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I recently purchased a 6-button Keypad and am having some issues with getting its A-D buttons to turn on with scenes.  Here is my program which is not causing the Keypad A light to turn on.


        From    Sunset  + 10 minutes
        To      12:25:00AM (next day)
        Set Scene 'Front Door Light' On
        Wait  2 seconds
        Set 'X10 Devices / Front Door Light' On
        Set Scene 'Mstr Bedroom Keypad ( B)' On
        Set 'X10 Devices / Front Door Light' Off
        Wait  2 seconds
        Set Scene 'Front Door Light' Off
        Set Scene 'Mstr Bedroom Keypad ( B)' Off

Keypad B is a controller in Scene 'Front Door Light' as well as a responder to scene 'Mstr Bedroom Keypad ( B)',  When this program runs, all of the lights come on and the ISY shows the B button as on but the LED on the button is still off.  If I press the button, it correctly turns on/off the scenes and the LED does work.  But the LED does not respond to the program above.  Anyone have an idea why?


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Try putting the Wait 2 seconds after the X10 activity in the Then clause as it is in the Else clause.  Even better move the X10 activity as the last thing done in the Then clause.   If the X10 activity is not causing the problem it sounds like a comm problem between the PLM and the KPL. 

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How does this look to you?


        From    Sunset  + 10 minutes
        To      12:25:00AM (next day)
        Set 'X10 Devices / Front Door Light' On
        Set Scene 'Mstr Bedroom Keypad (B)' On
        Set Scene 'Front Door Light' On
        Set Scene 'Front Door Light' Off
        Set Scene 'Mstr Bedroom Keypad (B)' Off
        Set 'X10 Devices / Front Door Light' Off


I've done extensive testing and do not believe I have a comm problem (the Keypad is less than 10' from 2 LampLinc dual-band modules).  Each of the Keypad buttons turn their respective scene on/off and the LED follows the screen when I press the Keypad.


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Pressing the button itself uses the KPL firmware to turn the button LED On/Off.


Move the X10 activity in the Then clause as the last action done in the clause.


Click on the Scene name "Mstr Bedroom Keypad (B)" and make sure the On Level for the B button is set to 100% On.


Do the same for Scene "Front Door Light".


With two Scenes not turning on the button LED it does sound like comm issue.  Is the KPL on the opposite 120V leg as the PLM?  Could be a coupling issue getting signal to. opposite leg.

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The KeypadLinc link database can be rebuilt by a right click on Primary KPL node and select Restore Device.  If something has happened to erase some of the link records this will put them back.  Would not be normal to lose link records but it is a possibility if there are no comm issues.   

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I found that ISY had the On/Off values of 0.  So I changed the On value to be 15.  I also Restored the device.  Unfortunately none of these has resolved my problem.  The KPL is plugged into the same outlet as a LampLinc and I have done extensive testing to confirm there are no comm problems so I am of the believe it is a setup problem.  Since I want each button (A-D) to control different scenes, do I need to change the KPL buttons to be mutually exclusive?

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It sounds like you are mixing X10 and Insteon messages in the same program? My experience is that the PLM is not that smart about managing that.I have experiences where (I believe) the PLM sends the X10, but the insteon traffic on the network stomps on it. X10, being X10, can not recover from that.


An example is if you send an insteon message through the plm, your insteon network goes to work receiving and responding to those messages. Yet right behind the insteon scene message, the program requests an x10 message get sent. The PLM will go right ahead and send that x10 message, even as the other insteon devices are confirming their status. and you get no response from the x10 device


A way to check test this theory is to put a longer wait, eg 10 seconds to that keypad message and put x10 last as Lee indicated. If that works, back your way into a shorter time.

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When you refer to the 0-15 I assume you're referring to the LED brightness levels on the KPL buttons as that's the only 0-15 option for the KPL.


If you want each of your buttons to control a different scene then you need to place that button into the scene as a controller along with the device(s) you want the scene to control.


You don't need to change the action of the buttons, they should be in the toggle mode assuming that you want to toggle your scenes on and off.


Hope this helps



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Correct, the default ISY values were 0 & 0.  I set the On value to 15.


Ok, I have placed each button (A-D) into scenes with ToggleLinc as a controller.  I've also created a scene for each button where it is a responder.  Confirmed all buttons are set as toggle.


When I turn the scenes On/Off with the button, the LED correctly reflects the setting.  But when the scene is turned On/Off by the ToggleLinc or ISY, the LED does not follow.

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