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double click on insteon remote

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Why do I have to double click when using a insteon 4 button keypad remote to turn a light on? When I set things up with Insteon hub in the past I could press it and the light would dim on, hold it down and it would dim up or double tap and it would turn on right away. Do I need to program this into the isy? 

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"Why do I have to double click when using a insteon 4 button keypad remote to turn a light on? "


Should not be required.   A double click means the Responder On Level and Responder Ramp Rate is not used.   A single click is using the Responder On Level and Responder Ramp Rate.   It indicates either or both of these values is not set correctly.  Under the ISY Scene name should be a Red button node as a Controller.   Click the Red  button node and check the On Level and Ramp Rate for the Responder that is not reacting to a single button press.

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