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ISY 99 Communication Issues

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I have 2 Insteon control devices with which my ISY 99 has trouble communicating. Both are 2475SDB Dual Band InlineLinc On/Off Switches. The errors are depicted in the attached PDF.ISY Errors.pdf

I have no trouble talking to these devices using a 2440 RemoteLinc.  They both happen to be right next to each other in an outdoor, weatherproof electric box. Every now and then I am able to get my Universal Devices Administrative Console to communicate, but it is not reliable.

What do I need to do to find out the problem?

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It sounds like insteon signalling problems which have 2 possible sources:


1) A noisy outside device like a pump or yard light transformer. As soon as the load is turned on, the noise source overwhelms the insteon signal in the powerline. The dual band nature of the switch would allow RF to get through.


2) The other possibility is not having the two phases of the panel bridged using a signal linc in the panel or having an access point on the opposite phase.


My guess is its more related to #1. Can you turn it on with the ISY, but not off?



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