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Dash Box - State Variables now supported!


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I wanted to share with the group that may still be interested in energy monitoring / management. Ben at Brultech: http://www.brultech.com/ has just recently incorporated the ability for the Dash Box (DB) to send state variables to the ISY-994 Series controller.


This expands on the current abilities of the ISY / GEM Energy Module.


The key features of this major release is having the ability to see all Green Eye Monitor (GEM) channels that were not available. They are all 32 electrical channels, 8 1 Wire temperature, 4 Pulse channels, voltage, and NET metered channels.


Here are some quick screen shots of the state variables I have created in the ISY-994iZ Series Controller.  :mrgreen:








More information about this outstanding update can be found here in my ongoing installation thread: http://brultech.com/home/community/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=929&p=6423#p6423


I would like to personally thank Ben & Paul at Brultech, in developing and growing their product offerings to the masses. This small company has lead the way in offering open source energy management devices where customer service has been the priority.


During the last two years of beta testing, many of my personal feature requests have been incorporated to expand the power of their device offerings.


Please take a few moments to review what this little device can offer you, your home, and that of greener world. 


That's it. Going to order a dash box to go with my GEM (even though its not yet installed). Thanks Brultech!!!


That's it. Going to order a dash box to go with my GEM (even though its not yet installed). Thanks Brultech!!!


Hello Michael,


I truly believe once you have your Green Eye Monitor (GEM) all connected and finalized in the home. Adding the Dash Box (DB) will prove to be invaluable in so many ways in terms of historic retrieval of energy / environmental data.


Some bullet points for those unaware of what the Dash Box is, and what it can do.


What is the Dash Box: The Dash Box is a solid state stand alone web based (low power 4 watt) Mini Linux database server. That captures energy readings from the following Brultech energy devices: ECM-1240, Green Eye Monitor (GEM).


The Dash Box can support two energy meters: 2 GEM's, 2 ECM-1240, or a combination of the two.


What can it do: The Dash Box can store approx 12 years (hours) of local energy data, capture the same data and relay it to Smart Energy Groups (SEG), display aggregate data for energy, temperature, pulse, voltage, current.


All of this information can be rendered in various charts, graphs, plots.


The Dash Box supports NET Metering for solar, wind, hydro electricity.


Supported connections: The Dash Box can be interfaced via Ethernet, Wireless, RS232, Zigbee.


New Features: Can send State Variables to the ISY-994 Series Controller.

  • 3 weeks later...

As this is a Beta launch for state variable support for the ISY. With the fantastic support of Brultech, I have requested a few changes which I hope will make this new feature even better.


Starting in Beta 4.1.7b there is a dedicated port entry box, all variables are numerically aligned, temperature values are displayed and sent at three values, and there is a send interval value box. The send interval will allow those, such as I, who have multiple devices sending to the ISY. To offset the data stream and hopefully prevent any extra load on the ISY.

  • 2 months later...

Well - I *finally* have my GEM installed - but ran out of CTs. In the process - I installed a whole house surge - and a 220 outlet for a new Tripplite UPS. The odd thing about my panel - no separate grounding bar. The neutral is ground bonded. The panel in my old house had separate ground and neutral bars.


I did discover a couple of circuits flipped - the builder got the two circuits going to the island the wrong way around. Fortunately - they were rated the same - so no harm done.


I took the opportunity of needing to order more CTs to order the dash box. It shipped today  Woot!


Everything is currently reporting to SEG directly from the GEM (which is the wifi model - no Zigbee here..). I can't wait to get the Dash box now to get power usage variables posted to ISY!


It's not as neat as yours Teken!  But then, I'm not complete yet.




Well - I *finally* have my GEM installed - but ran out of CTs. In the process - I installed a whole house surge - and a 220 outlet for a new Tripplite UPS. The odd thing about my panel - no separate grounding bar. The neutral is ground bonded. The panel in my old house had separate ground and neutral bars.


I did discover a couple of circuits flipped - the builder got the two circuits going to the island the wrong way around. Fortunately - they were rated the same - so no harm done.


I took the opportunity of needing to order more CTs to order the dash box. It shipped today  Woot!


Everything is currently reporting to SEG directly from the GEM (which is the wifi model - no Zigbee here..). I can't wait to get the Dash box now to get power usage variables posted to ISY!


It's not as neat as yours Teken!  But then, I'm not complete yet.




Hello Michael,


That looks just great to me and glad you were able to identify some problems during the install. There have been many updates to the Dash Box (DB) since this initial posting. So please do ensure you upgrade the (Beta) firmware to the latest to gain all the extra's.


Some key features that have been added to the DB which are the culmination of many requests by me are the following:


- ISY (Static) Raw Log: This will allow you to see the values being sent from the DB to the ISY. This will assist in trouble shooting and monitoring.


- Show Top 3 Consumers: This new feature will indicate what current load is the top energy consumer in the home. This is a added feature to the *Home* page which also indicates the top 10 consumers for the day.


- Consumption % vs Mains: This addition will inform you what percentage a load has when compared to your entire homes consumption. ie Fridge is 8.32% of the daily consumption etc


This will really let you know what the energy hogs are and what percentage they play on your electrical bill.


- Power / Gen Sparks: The Power spark (indicator) will now show consumed / NET generated power as they happen. The Gen spark will continue to show NET generated power independent of the other. 


- Color Pallet: Has been added to the settings page which will allow you to see what color has been selected for a specific channel.


- Currency: The system is capable of indicating up to 5 decimal places now. So if your POCO bill shows your KWH charge to be $0.07345, you can now see it exactly and calculated as intended.


Many other bug fixes and upgrades have been implemented and deployed. In the not too distant future even more features will be made available as development continues.


Take lots of photo's and document your install for others to see and follow. I look forward to seeing how your energy consumption, control, and management continues once you gain insight to your homes electrical use.


It's not as neat as yours Teken!  But then, I'm not complete yet.




Interesting!  In Canada your panel wouldn't pass inspection. When you come over for a beer leave it at home. :D  Branch circuits are not allowed to be run through the main breaker area and vice versa. Even the neutrals are up beside the main breaker. Gives a nice area to connect all that stuff and not underneath the rest of the live wiring too!


Just looking at my panel to move some breakers around (not as tidy as yours!) and there is a panel with a sticker on it that says something to the effect of "Panel not to be energised without this panel installed". When it is in place no branch circuits can pass through the main breaker compartment to get to branch breakers. Also there are no smaller branch circuit knock-outs on the top panel of mine. I suspect this would be standard for all Canuckistani main panels.


Q: How did you post that photo here?

  • 2 weeks later...

@Teken, As a (much) longer time user of SEG - do you happen to know how to re-enable a stream if you uncheck 'active?' on the stream settings?  I had several streams there were not being used - but now have CTs on them. So - I need to re-enable them - but cannot find them anywhere.  If I try a manual entry - I get an error that the stream name already exists...  Not fun.  If not - I'll give them a call.




@Teken, As a (much) longer time user of SEG - do you happen to know how to re-enable a stream if you uncheck 'active?' on the stream settings?  I had several streams there were not being used - but now have CTs on them. So - I need to re-enable them - but cannot find them anywhere.  If I try a manual entry - I get an error that the stream name already exists...  Not fun.  If not - I'll give them a call.




Hello Michael,


The first thing you want to do is go into the GEM and confirm those channels are selected and are pushing data to SEG via the set up page.


Next, go back to your SEG account and do another *Discovery* this should force the system to poll your system for any new streaming data.


My Things -> Tools -> Discoveries -> Discover

  • 1 month later...

I must be missing something here - I have a dashbox and an ISY994 (with the brultech module) - how do I get the data from the dashbox to the ISY?


Thanks in advance if its very obvious.. :)




I must be missing something here - I have a dashbox and an ISY994 (with the brultech module) - how do I get the data from the dashbox to the ISY?


Thanks in advance if its very obvious.. :)





All of the details are listed in the install thread. What firmware are you currently on for the DB?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hi Folks - if any of you run into the situation where you have everything set up correctly and you have an ECM1240 - check with Ben.  He had to apply a patch to my dashbox to get it to work correctly with the ECM1240 data over to the ISY from the dashbox via the variable setting method.

  • 5 weeks later...



What is the ballpark cost for a similar setup using Burltech.  I have a ISY994i/PRO.  Thinking the Dash Box w/ ethernet and the unit have you installed on the wall next to your breaker box.  Around 25 CT's.


I love how ISY can take full advantage of this now.






What is the ballpark cost for a similar setup using Burltech.  I have a ISY994i/PRO.  Thinking the Dash Box w/ ethernet and the unit have you installed on the wall next to your breaker box.  Around 25 CT's.


I love how ISY can take full advantage of this now.




You will need to upgrade the ISY to the IZ model which comes with the Zigee card and Energy Module pricing on this is on the UDI sales page. Once installed you can select any GEM package with the CT's that suit your needs. 


Shipping to the United States I gather will be about $25-55.XX as Canada Post is shyster and doesn't have awesome flat rate shipping like USPS.


Let Brultech know you read about the GEM / Dash Box from my install thread. 


You will need to upgrade the ISY to the IZ model which comes with the Zigee card 





Would you please clarify/confirm something:  Must one use the Zigbee ISY?  I thought with the Dash the non-Zigbee ISY would be ok??  Mine is Zwave and I dont want to give that up.  My alternative is to use a Vera [which I have in addition to the ISY for some things it does better, such as 2-way communication and some plugins, e.g. Sonos, Nest and for its iOS apps.  All my ISY devices feed into the ISY via an ISY script/plugin for the Vera].  With the Vera GEM plugin I believe I can get all GEM data WITHOUT the need for the Dash (I acknowledge I will not have 2-years of hourly data backed up).  It is then fairly straightforward to push all the energy streams data from Vera to SEG.  [As a quick aside on that point: I want to push GEM data AND selective smart plug data e.g. to isolate my Plasma TV from the other devices on my AV circuit.  To date noone is pushing plug data anywhere via ISY (may be possible but not done to date).  Vera will push this just like it pushes the GEM data to SEG].


Wow, wasn't that a long side-track to my question as to whether one needs the Zigbee ISY if they use the Dash :wink:  ?




Hi again


I just almost pushed the "buy" button on the GEM without the Dash, but am not seeing the currency conversion discount you describe.  It seems the prices on their web store are already in $US, e.g. DASH is $260 as you state above.  IN the Paypal payment screen the purchase is listes as being $US with no currency conversion.


Is there another way to skin this cat?




I have a GEM feeding data to the Dashbox via its cabled serial connection. Then Dashbox posts current channel loads to ISY state variables. Works perfectly for my needs - no ZigBee needed. The Dashbox does the graphing for me.




I have a GEM feeding data to the Dashbox via its cabled serial connection. Then Dashbox posts current channel loads to ISY state variables. Works perfectly for my needs - no ZigBee needed. The Dashbox does the graphing for me.





And am I correct that the Dash pushes up to SEG (you may not be doing this but may know)




And am I correct that the Dash pushes up to SEG (you may not be doing this but may know)

Yes the Dash Box can forward all of the energy, pulse, temperature, voltage to SEG. Michael is also correct since you're using Z-Wave you can simply have the DB push the same channels to the ISY.


Regarding the USD pricing I gather this is new so my apologies in stating there might be some conversion savings.


Point of use monitoring is already present and available. But not the way you may think about it.


I have documented how this is done via a specially UL modified 3 prong plug outlet.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


Ok, good!  [Now what I need to find out is if the Vera Plugin can talk to the Dash (vs the GEM directly) to determine if I still need the ethernet version of the GEM if I want Vera communication]  My ideal would be to keep both options open, ISY/Vera.  Since the GEM ethernet add-on is about $100, seems like the Dash for $260 gets hard to turn down, as long as I dont later discover I need the GEM to also have ethernet (for Vera communication)


Ok, good! [Now what I need to find out is if the Vera Plugin can talk to the Dash (vs the GEM directly) to determine if I still need the ethernet version of the GEM if I want Vera communication] My ideal would be to keep both options open, ISY/Vera. Since the GEM ethernet add-on is about $100, seems like the Dash for $260 gets hard to turn down, as long as I dont later discover I need the GEM to also have ethernet (for Vera communication)

I would ask you to reach out to my friend Barry G. He also has a Vera and had all the same components I have minus the ISY.


Reach out to him via the Vera board to see how it's set up. Just let him know Teken sent you his way.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


Point of use monitoring is already present and available. But not the way you may think about it.


I have documented how this is done via a specially UL modified 3 prong plug outlet.



Taken, would you share a link to that?  Is the monitoring via the GEM/Dash or direct by the ISY?




It's monitored directly from the GEM. But that same information is available in the ISY / DB.


I am on my phone so can't give you a link in the massive install thread!



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

  • 2 months later...



I hav a problem pushing the GEM channels to the ISY as variables.

I setup this: 'enabled', ISY IP address, port 80, user/password, default 30 sec refreshh

I requested to push 2 channels to the ISY, but the variables are not showing up in the ISY.

Do I need to pre-create the variables? I did that but still no values are beng pushed.

What am I doing wrong?






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