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RemoteLinc2: Overriding dimming


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Hello everyone,


First post (of many to come I'm sure). Had a hopefully quick question regarding the RemoteLinc operation. I've just gutted out entire x10 system and replaced it with this new beast.


I've programmed a 8 scene remotelinc 2 to toggle 8 different scenes. My dad will be using this as his primary way of getting things on and off. All the devices on this particular remote are simple on/off devices (no dimming). Here's the problem. My dad has MS and one of his symptoms is that he can't really sense pressure or touch. when he was clicking a button, nothing was working. Then I noticed that he was actually holding the button down longer than a typical click (which in remote terms i think it was assuming he was trying to DIM. So the device never turned on (or off). So here's the question:


Can I intercept the longer press and have a program just use that as a ON (or OFF), or is something else going on here? (The remote does work with a simple quick click... It's the prolonged press that's messing things up.


While I'm at it, I noticed that since the remotelinc is just a sender (no way to know if something is on or off) I should have the key press simply be a keypress (neither on or off) and have a program do the toggle? If so, how?


Be gentle... Thanks in advance.



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Can be done with a series of Programs to handle simple press or longer Fade Up or Fade Down.  Each press On/Dim/Bright will toggle the controlled device On then Off regardless of how long the button is held. 


Put the RemoteLinc2 into 8 Scene non-toggle mode.   Fewer button possibilities.




             Control '1C.2A.4A - B / 1C.2A.4A - A' is switched On
          Or Control '1C.2A.4A - B / 1C.2A.4A - A' is switched Fade Up
          Or Control '1C.2A.4A - B / 1C.2A.4A - A' is switched Fade Down
    And Status  'SwitchLinc Relay' is Off
        Set 'SwitchLinc Relay' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
             Control '1C.2A.4A - B / 1C.2A.4A - A' is switched On
          Or Control '1C.2A.4A - B / 1C.2A.4A - A' is switched Fade Up
          Or Control '1C.2A.4A - B / 1C.2A.4A - A' is switched Fade Down
    And Status  'SwitchLinc Relay' is On
        Set 'SwitchLinc Relay' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Need 14 more Programs, two for each button, for buttons B-H
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Less typing.  Sorry if that raised a question.  There is a difference in what can be sent to a Dimmer from a Program.   A Set 'xxxxx' Dim is different from Set 'xxxx' Fade Down / Set 'xxxx' Fade Stop.  However, Dim/Bright commands are not sent by the RemoteLinc2.


To be accurate I should have said On/Fade Up/Fade Down rather than On/Dim/Bright.  

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One other question: looking at your program, I can see 3 diff key presses, on fade up and fade down. When the remotelinc is put in non-toggle mode! then I guess a key press is always sent as on (there is no off). Correct?

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