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Getting Started: Any Advice?


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I am just getting started with Insteon and ISY. I was wondering if anyone has advice on how to "get off on the right foot" so to speak.


Things like:


What naming conventions do you use to keep things straight? (devices, scenes, etc) Given the limited field lengths, it is likely important that I start off right with this before I get 100 devices in and cant find anything.


Program folders...What is the best use of those?



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I usually name my devices with reference to the room.


Living Room East Wall

Living Room South Wall

Living Room Track Lights



Scenes I name according to groups and moods.


Outside Lights Dawn

Outside Lights Daytime

Outside Lights Evening

Outside Lights Midnight

Living Room Talk

Living Room Play

Living Room Sleep



Devices and Scenes can be renamed at any time so changes are easy.


Program Folders; I use them mainly to organize my Programs. I have


My Schedules

Basement Triggers

Outside Light Triggers



Because Program Folders can contain conditions within my Outside Light Triggers I have folders containing programs that are only true at specific times, Dawn, Daytime, Dusk, and Midnight each call different scenes for the same triggers.


Programs and Folders can be freely rearranged so again, you won't have to worry about changing things.


I usually backup the ISY after I make any changes and I use the date in my backup file names.


Have fun!


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A few thoughts: I had about 30 devices that I was using with HomeSeer prior to getting the ISY. My initial install with the ISY had to be redone because I made one crucial error: I didn't delete existing links when adding devices.


Just be sure to delete existing links when adding devices - I found this advice all over the forum after I plunged head first. Deleting existing links will destroy any links you had (e.g., "3-way switches" or KeypadlLinc buttons). However, it will give you a better install later. Even with a total of 250+ links, it only took me a couple of hours to reprogram all of the links between devices and gave me a nice, clean installation. Plus, you can set things like on level and ramp rate so easily with the ISY that it is great.


I use a naming convention similar to sub's:









"D" stands for dimmer and "R" stands for relay. I use Dx in cases in which I have a "3-way" setup: x=0 is the load and x=1-? are the others that are to be linked to 0. I try to economize, as there are a limited number of characters in devices. I use KPLy where y is the button and then a label for the button's purpose.


For scenes, I use a similar naming convention, Room:SceneName.


The nice thing is that you can redo the labels/names later. The key is getting the devices into the ISY first.


What did you use prior to getting the ISY?

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I prefer to identify the type of device first, followed by the room, and then the specific location within the room. This keeps all the same devices appearing together in the tree, which makes it easier for me to find them. For example:


  • KpL.Foyer.A.Ceiling (Load)
    KpL.Landing.G.All ON
    KpL.Landing.H.All OFF
    LmpL.Living Room.Couch
    LmpL.Living Room.Love Seat


I use a similar convention for naming scenes (which makes it easier to find them in the drop-down list when working in Programs):


  • Scene.Landscape
    Scene.Living Room (50%)
    Scene.Living Room (80%)


I keep my programs in separate folders for each room. Some of these folders have conditions, some do not.


  • Family Room
    Living Room
    Upstairs Hallway


I also have a few "generic" programs which are not in any folder, and which are used by other programs to check certain conditions. For example:


  • Program.Early Night (Sunset to 9:30 p.m.)
    Program.Middle Night (9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.)
    Program.Late Night (11:30 p.m. to Sunset - 30 minutes)


I use these programs to test conditions and set scenes depending on what time the Away button is switched off, what time the home security system is armed/disarmed with a keyfob, what time/how the Hot Tub button is switched on or off, etc.


I am just getting started with Insteon and ISY. I was wondering if anyone has advice on how to "get off on the right foot" so to speak.


Things like:


What naming conventions do you use to keep things straight? (devices, scenes, etc) Given the limited field lengths, it is likely important that I start off right with this before I get 100 devices in and cant find anything.


Program folders...What is the best use of those?



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Thanks for all the replies and good ideas. I sort of like the device first followed by a . etc. Also, I struggled with the KPL's as well, renaming them a couple of times...


I did not have any system before, so this is a brand new install for me. I went with the 99/IR-Pro and have been adding devices a few at a time. I have some old X10 stuff that I never really used to much because it was very unreliable...so far the Insteon has been flawless.


Thanks for the help...and I welcome any other tips or tricks. I have been trying to read through this forum, but there is a lot to take in!

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My initial install with the ISY had to be redone because I made one crucial error: I didn't delete existing links when adding devices.


Good one, Jason. I forgot about resetting devices. It's been a while since I added anything new. Always do a factory reset with a new device.


Thanks for the help...and I welcome any other tips or tricks.


Always use Scenes and not Devices in your programs. It is the only way to guarantee the Ramp Rate you desire.


Welcome to the forum,


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