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Elk rules not working properly


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First, my ISY is talking with my ELK M1G.  My ISY can arm and disarm the M1G panel.  Additionally, programs within ISY for Elk work (i.e., when front door is opened – entry light turns on).

My goal is to get the User ID from the Elk to the ISY so I can send an alert or command via the ISY rather than the Elk to use when and which one of my kids arrives home from school.  Here is a program I tried:


THEN TURN OUTPUT 65 ON (Used for ISY programming to identify kid came home.  Output 66 can be child #2, etc.)


If ELK ‘OUTPUT 65’ is ON
SET ‘LIGHT’ On (will test function only – will change to email once program works correctly).


This doesn’t seem to work.  I have gone into the ELK log and there is no evidence of an Output either when I use the “Test” feature with the RP program or actually disarming the system with my child's code.


I also tried the following program which seems to be even simpler and it didn’t work:


WHENEVER Main Front Door (Zn55)


What am I doing wrong or need to change?  Thank you in advance for your help.

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I'm still trying to make this work.  From the Elk console, I was able to turn on Output 65 which worked properly (turned on a light).  So I now know Output 65 functions correctly.  I still don't know why the program listed above doesn't work properly.

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Does ISY have a properly populated list of outputs and zones?  Does ISY status of said outputs and zones track the actual status properly?


Also, you will need to turn the output back off.  Otherwise you are one and done.  In Elk, write the rule to say "turn output x on for 1 second".


And when you say manually turning output 65 on turned a light on, is this light being turned on from an Elk rule or an ISY program?  

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Does ISY have a properly populated list of outputs and zones?  Does ISY status of said outputs and zones track the actual status properly?


The outputs are shown in the ISY as ID# 65 to 208 and labeled Output 65 to Output 208.  The zone status as shown within ISY will update only if I activate the zone via the M1 Console - it does not work automatically (via a rule activated by the M1).


The actual door, glassbreak, motion zones are populated and work properly.  For example, open a door in zone 1 and ISY will turn on a light as programmed.


Also, you will need to turn the output back off.  Otherwise you are one and done.  In Elk, write the rule to say "turn output x on for 1 second".


Yes - I left it turned to on for testing only.  I'll try the suggestion you mentioned or toggle once the status correctly updates in ISY.


And when you say manually turning output 65 on turned a light on, is this light being turned on from an Elk rule or an ISY program?  


By manually, I meant I used the ELK Console program to turn on output 65 - this in turn turned on the output within ISY which is then programmed to turn on the light when the ELK output status for output 65 is ON.  While this manual method works, I still can't get the zone to turn ON via an ELK rule by itself.

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I replied to your other thread. If you have ElkRP connected to the Elk it will prevent the ISY communication. Disconnect it to test.




Thank you for the tip.  I have disconnected the ElkRP and I'm still not having any luck getting the ELK to somehow use its rules to change the status of output 65 to ON and in turn reflect that status within ISY.


Sorry for the duplicate thread - I recall hitting the refresh button due to a long wait - which must have caused the duplicate thread to post.

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Surprise - everything is now working.  I was gone for an hour or so and came back to try things again and everything worked.  I hadn't made any changes yet everything now works - very mysterious but I'm glad all is working.  Thank you for your help!

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