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Trouble Linking A Hidden Door Sensor


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I am not familiar with "Link Management > New Insteon/A10/X10 Device". I suggest using New INSTEON Device. Enter Insteon address, Name of choice and Auto Discover. Use the default "Remove existing links"


What level of ISY are you using that has "Link Management > New Insteon/A10/X10 Device"?

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I am using 4.2.10. I will try linking as you suggest.


By the way, MikeD, I pressed the Set Button while the device was flashing and it changed rates in flashing. I pressed the Set Button Again and the LED turned off. I pressed the Contact Plunger twice and still no status given for the Door Sensor!

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4.2.10 offers a linking selection of Sensors > Hidden Door Sensor. I returned to that method and gave it a try.

I linked with it and waited untile the device's green light stopped flashing. I then tried pressing the Constact Plunger. Still no device status reporr for the door sensor. I then pressed the Set Button and tried the Plunger again. No success. I must be doing something wrong but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is!


The irony is I have one functioning perfectly that I setup earlier!

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Bizarre and down-right frightening. Although I never touched them in the device tree I have now lost the link to a device controlling a bathroom fan and the link to the hidden door sensor that I had previously linked. I deleted, reset and relinked the bathroom fan and it now has a green icon adjacent to it and no longer responds to a program that controls how long it runs. I deleted the program and rewrote it but each time the device was referenced in the program it had the green icon adjacent to it and the resulting program will not run.


The formerly successful door sensor nodes all have gray icons adjacent to them and the program managing their sending notifications has failed.


Once again, I never messed with anything related to these devices. All I have been doing is trying to link a new door sensor.


I have a backup for conditions prior to this debacle, but will it reconnect these devices and restore previously successful functions.

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The Green 1011 Icon indicates updates are pending for that device.   For a 120v device right click on the node and select Write Updates to Device.  For a battery powered device it must be put into linking mode with its Set button before clicking on Write Updates to Device.

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I have noticed that writing to a wireless device, even when it's in linking mode, can take a minute or two. I was messing around with one of my motion sensors, and after I hit the 'ok' button to accept the changes, the red exclamation point stayed there in the device tree for a minute or two before the ISY actually wrote the change to the device. This happened more than once.

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The Red ! and the Green 1011 Icon mean different things.   The Red ! indicates a command sent to the device did not get a response.   The normal way to clear that is issue a Query.   The Green 1011 Icon means pending updates which is cleared by a Write Updates to Device.  If a battery device it must be in linking mode for both the Query and Write Updates. 

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I did Write Updates for the Bathroom Fan device and that problem resolved.

I put the Hidden Door Device that I could not get to show its status into linking mode and queried it. I pressed the set button twice to get it out of linking mode, pressed and released the Contact Plunger and it now shows its status.

The Hidden Door sensor that has worked beautifully since its install now has gray icons beside its nodes in the device tree. What does that signify and how can I remedy it? I hope I don't have to remove it from its location.

This is, hopefully, the last step toward getting things staightened out.

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I finally fixed the Deck Sensor by Write Updates also. Why I needed to do that with a device I had done nothing to in terms of programming or, anything for that matter, is disconcerting at best.


My sincere thanks and appreciation to all of you, and especially, LeeG.


These Hidden Door Sensors have been the biggest challenge I have faced with ISY. Oh, for the day when ISY moves more toward plug and play!

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Glad to hear things are operating now.   You may have comm problems when the Hidden Door Sensor is moved back to its original location but the device itself is shown to be working.

I went to the desired location and it was slow at first but seems to be working fine now. If that changes, I will link it there. Thanks again, LeeG.

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I was able to create a Gray 1011 Icon marking Update required for the Hidden Door Sensor.  Don't know why this Icon is Gray and the other 1011 Icons are green.  Perhaps UDI can comment about the color of the icon

Are AutoUpdates to battery devices currently disabled on your ISY ?



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The Red ! and the Green 1011 Icon mean different things. The Red ! indicates a command sent to the device did not get a response. The normal way to clear that is issue a Query. The Green 1011 Icon means pending updates which is cleared by a Write Updates to Device. If a battery device it must be in linking mode for both the Query and Write Updates.

Do wireless devices ever respond to the ISY? I was under the impression that they only send commands when they sense something. Thus the need for the linking buttons, right?


I'll have to go back and try this again, it was a couple weeks ago, so maybe my memory isn't right, but I was making changes to a motion sensor scene, which you have to put the thing into linking mode at the beginning of, then I put the controller and responders into the scene and clicked ok. I got the red ! next to all members of the scene, and then about 90 seconds later it said 'writing' next to the nodes in question, then everything was fine.


I don't recall that happening with any AC powered devices. I'll have to try again and make sure that's what I saw.

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Battery operated devices "sleep" until they are locally activated, this prolongs their battery life.. The ISY cannot wake up, or query,  a battery operated device that is sleeping. This is why they have to be put into the linking mode in order to either link them or program them from the ISY.

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