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Insteon mini-remote 2342-2 vs isy 994i


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I have a mini remote 8 scenes that work fine with my devices.


my problem is when I open or close a device with the mini remote, the responder (device) does not appear accordingly on UD administration console


please help



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"Was the mini remote linked to the responder using an ISY Scene?"                No, I used the Quick start guide

"Is the PLM a 2413?"        Yes

"Does the mini remote button change Status on the Admin Console?"       No

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Any Insteon device linked with the manual set button instructions. Will not be known by you ISY controller. So it will not know the Remotelinc has changed things.


All linking should be done with your ISY controller and the manual linking instructions in the manuals should be ignored.


LeeG may have more details.

I believe you may have to remove the manual links between the drvices. Add it to your ISY Controllers setup and then recreate the links you wanted to use.

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Brian H and builderb are right on. Never link a device outside of the ISY for the indicated reasons.


There are now links in the mini remote as well as whatever devices were manually linked to the mini remote. Right click on mini remote button B and select Restore Device. Also do a Restore Device on any responder that has been manually linked. Then create ISY Scenes to link the mini remote to its responders.


Note that the mini remote has to be manually put into linking mode before starting Restore Device.

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