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Program doesn't seem to do continuous calculation of Variables ??


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Still struggling with my programming here.


I seem to be having several issues, stemming from variables that I think should be "changing" in real-time actually NOT changing, so my programs don't work right.


For example:


(all are now "state" variables)



from 12am to 11:59:59pm, same day



$den temp difference cool = $stat den indoor temp

$den temp difference cool -= $stat den cool setpoint



I don't get the proper $den temp diff cool number all the time.


It always works if I manually run the program.


Also, do any programs that act on the value of $den temp diff cool "see" the moving number as it is being calculated? I.e. before the calculation is "finished"? Because I feel like that may be happening as well.


Similarly, I need a number to constantly be calculated so the result can drive program starts.



from 12am to 11:59:59pm same day



$Number of High TD Units Running = $AC Den is High TD

$Number of High TD Units Running += $AC Upstairs is High TD

$Number of High TD Units Running += $Kitchen is High TD


Doesn't seem to provide a correct number of running units most of the time.  The units are "high TD" as determined by the below program:



$AC Den Cool Temp Diff >=2


$AC Den Heat Temp Diff >=2



$AC Den is High TD=1



$AC Den is High TD=0


Again, all of these variables are "state".


Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong or a more streamlined approach?


Thanks for any help.





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A program with:



  from 12am to 11:59:59pm, same day


will run precisely two time a day - at 12:00:00 am where it will execute the "Then" branch and at 11:59:59 pm where it will execute the "Else" branch.


I think what you want is to add a Wait and a Repeat at the end of your Then branch to have it repeat every five minutes or so or change the condition so that it runs when the value of the $stat den indoor temp or $stat den cool setpoint variables change.

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You need to find something that will trigger the whole mess. This would usually be your thermostat sensor.



   thermostat_temp < 9999


   from 12am to 11:59:59pm same day



   ...this runs every time the temperature changes and is less than 9999 degrees AND time is between 12 - 11:59:59PM

   ...do your temperature stuff here



   ...this  runs at 11:59:59 PM every day. You can avoid code here.



Time spans act as program triggers twice per day. Time spans act as true conditions between the times.

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A program with:



  from 12am to 11:59:59pm, same day


will run precisely two time a day - at 12:00:00 am where it will execute the "Then" branch and at 11:59:59 pm where it will execute the "Else" branch.


I think what you want is to add a Wait and a Repeat at the end of your Then branch to have it repeat every five minutes or so or change the condition so that it runs when the value of the $stat den indoor temp or $stat den cool setpoint variables change.



Wow - my logic and that of ISY programming are way out of sync!  I just thought it would run if it was in that time period.  I guess I've only used specific times before, and not run into this.


Larry - thanks - that makes sense.


So can I "tabulate" a variable that another program is using to make a decision or do I have to use a second variable to equal the one I'm adding up so it changes to the proper value all at once ? Hope this makes sense - see above.

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