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LED Lights on a KeyPad Linc


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Don't know why this works this way but it works.


It works because when a device is in a scene as a "controller", it is, by definition, also a responder to any other controller in that scene.  When you have two devices as controllers in a scene, each device controls the other, and each device responds to the other.  Also, when a scene is created in the ISY, there is an unidentified controller in every scene...the ISY, itself.  So, when you activate the scene from mobilinc, it is as if the ISY is the controller and every other device responds.

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TO, this is how scenes work. When you add a device as a controller of a scene it is also a responder of the scene. So any controller can turn the scene on or off and All responders obviously respond to the scene. A device can only be the controller of one scene. When you want to turn on all devices of the scene, you have to turn on the scene, not just one of the individual scene members which is what was stumping the OP.

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TO the other thing though too to watch is that while doing it your way will work for the lamp, it won't if you just want to turn the KPL light on.  For example, I have it set that after 9pm if the doors in the house open, flash KPL button A in my bedroom 5 times then stay on for 5 minutes so that I know the door opened if I'm in bed as my bedroom is 3 floors up.  The scene I have "KPL Door Status" includes the KPL button as a responder only with no controllers in the scene.  If the door opens, my program triggers that scene to go on for 1 second, off for 1 second, on, off etc then stay on for 5 minutes and turn off which makes the light flash.


Where this would be problematic in your method is say my KPL button A is also set up the way you have it, controller and responder of a lamp, if I have the lamp off and the door opens, by turning that scene on and off, the lamp will also flash on and off and stay on with the KPL for 5 minutes.  Not really the best example as my KPL button is dedicated just to this purpose.  But the point is by having a KPL button as just a responder, you can make it turn on or off whenever you want and not have it actually turn a device on with it.  Hope that makes sense!

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Where this would be problematic in your method is say my KPL button A is also set up the way you have it, controller and responder of a lamp, if I have the lamp off and the door opens, by turning that scene on and off, the lamp will also flash on and off and stay on with the KPL for 5 minutes.  Not really the best example as my KPL button is dedicated just to this purpose.  But the point is by having a KPL button as just a responder, you can make it turn on or off whenever you want and not have it actually turn a device on with it.  Hope that makes sense!

I suspect you will find this not to be true. Having your keypad as a responder in one scene and controller in another is fine. Responding to one scene will not cause the scene in which is controller to trigger.

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Hi ober,


I know that works but TO was saying he had the KPL as a controller and responder in the same scene, unless I read wrong.  So I was just saying it's still a good idea I think to have a scene that just has each KPL button in it as a responder, that way if you ever wanted to have that KPL button flash for example, you could use a program to turn that scene on and off, where as if you only have 1 scene with the KPL as controller and responder, I believe the lamp or whatever is part of that scene would also flash.

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OK. I understand having scenes with buttons as responders for the purpose of initiating via program. Yes, this works as you know.


I was attempting (poorly I guess) to point out that if a given device is both controller of one scene and responder of another, when that button responds to one scene, it will NOT act as controller for another. Devices behave as controller only when they re acted upon directly.

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"Devices behave as controller only when they re acted upon directly."


That is the important point. Turning On a Scene from a Program, it does not matter whether a KPL button is a Controller or Responder in that Scene. The PLM is the Controller of the Scene in that case and Insteon devices DO NOT daisy chain Controller actions. It only matters when that KPL button is pressed.

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