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Garage Door Kit Issues


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I just installed (2) INSTEON 74551 Garage Door Control & Status Kits last weekend. I created a program to text me of the door is open overnight.

There are (2) problems that are related so far.

1)  At times I get a can't communicate with the device error.

2) I woke up to a message that one door was open at 3:10AM. After checking the door, the status was wrong. Doing a query did not show any problems. Opening and closing the door cleared the problem.


I am concerned about the reliability.


The IOLincs are plugged into the same outlet as the garage door (Ceiling). 

If this is an issue, how should I correct it?

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I recall others reporting interference from the opener. You might consider temporarily isolating the iolinc from the opener using an extension cord. Ifthis helps, then a filter on the opener would likely solve your problem.


Regarding the false indication at 3:00am, do you have the trigger reverse chosen in settings?

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I have a filter on order to test. I guess that I need one for each door correct?


The settings are all defaults.

2 second momentary hold time.

LED on TX checked.

Momentary C selected.


No other check boxes are selected.


These settings are the same for both garage doors.

No trigger last night on the other door. 

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I have a filter on order to test. I guess that I need one for each door correct?


The settings are all defaults.

2 second momentary hold time.

LED on TX checked.

Momentary C selected.


No other check boxes are selected.


These settings are the same for both garage doors.

No trigger last night on the other door. 


Just to be clear both I/O Links were set up, configure, and programmed only through the ISY? You have never tried to set up the device manually, correct?

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Yes, you will need a filter for every opener if same kind and found to interfere with insteon. Alternatively, perhaps you can plug both openers into same filter using extension cords? (Possible code and safety violation...not sure).


When the door is closed, is the little green led on the iolinc ON or OFF?

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2) I woke up to a message that one door was open at 3:10AM. After checking the door, the status was wrong. Doing a query did not show any problems. Opening and closing the door cleared the problem.

99.9% of the time, this is the result of using the Trigger Reverse option on the IOLinc sensor. 


Trigger Reverse reverses the ON/Off commandes sent by the IOLinc sensor when the sensor input changes.  When On it sends Off and when Off it sends On.  However, when the IOLinc is directly queried, it returns the true sensor status (not the reversed status) making it look to the ISY that the sensor changed state.


Recheck the options and be sure to click the query button in the options dialog to ensure that you are seeing the current options as reflected by the IOLinc.  Also make sure the options screen is sized large enough to display all of the options.  Trigger Reverse is the bottom left option and can be hidden if the dialog is sized too small.


Hope this helps.



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Yes, you will need a filter for every opener if same kind and found to interfere with insteon. Alternatively, perhaps you can plug both openers into same filter using extension cords? (Possible code and safety violation...not sure).


When the door is closed, is the little green led on the iolinc ON or OFF?

When the door is closed, the green led is ON.

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The odd thing is why 3:10AM. 

My program checks from 6PM to 7AM (next day)




        From     6:00:00PM
        To       7:00:00AM (next day)
    And (
             Status  'Garage / Garage Door (Gary) - Sensor' is Off
          Or Status  'Garage / Garage Door (Sandy) - Sensor' is Off
        Wait  10 minutes 
        $GarageDoor.Status  = 1
        Send Notification to 'Email Gary' content 'GarageDoor.Open'
        Send Notification to 'Text Gary' content 'GarageDoor.Open'
        Send Notification to 'Text Sandy' content 'GarageDoor.Open'
        $GarageDoor.Status  = 0
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The 3 AM Query indicated a door was open which triggered the program.  The program waits 10 minutes before sending message.  That is why  3:10 AM.   When the doors are closed run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3.  Right click on Sensor node of one IO Linc and select Query.  Wait a few seconds and do the same Query on the other IO Linc Sensor node.   Post the event log.

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When the door is closed, the green led is ON.

With mine, LED ON is when the door is open rather than closed. Still, your posted program is consistent with the behavior of YOUR LED, so all appears well here. I am with the others...this was almost certainly caused by the 300am query. I continue to suspect a trigger reverse type of problem here. Perhaps the trigger reverse was cleared by the query, or a momentary loss of power. My suggestion is to wait and see if it happens again tonight.

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Good news - I think. No false triggers last night.

I have filters on order just in case.


What document do I read to understand the event logs?

I sent the event viewer to level 3.



Below is some data that I extracted from the log.

I can see the open and close [sT] 0 and [sT] [255]

However much of the other data I have to guess at.



Original problem - I think
Thu 12/04/2014 03:00:08 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 2] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Thu 12/04/2014 03:00:08 AM : [  2F 76 5C 2]       ST   0
Thu 12/04/2014 03:00:08 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 23 00 00           (00)
Thu 12/04/2014 03:00:08 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0
----- I opened the door --------------
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 00.00.01 C7 13 00    LTOFFRR(00)
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [std-Group   ] 2F.76.5C-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 1] [DOF] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [  2F 76 5C 1]      DOF   0
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [  2F 76 5C 1]       ST   0
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [D2D-CMP 000A] STS [2F 76 5C 1] ST op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 41 13 01    LTOFFRR(01)
Wed 12/03/2014 02:33:40 PM : [std-Cleanup ] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
---- I closed the door ---------------
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 00.00.01 C7 11 00    LTONRR (00)
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [std-Group   ] 2F.76.5C-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 1] [DON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [  2F 76 5C 1]      DON   0
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [  2F 76 5C 1]       ST 255
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 000A] STS [2F 76 5C 1] ST op=1 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 41 11 01    LTONRR (01)
Wed 12/03/2014 02:35:35 PM : [std-Cleanup ] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
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Trace snippets are not very useful except the 3AM snippet shows very bad comm.


Thu 12/04/2014 03:00:08 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0

Where do I find documentation on this? How do you know that this log entry shows very bad comm?

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Where do I find documentation on this? How do you know that this log entry shows very bad comm?

0 Hops means the Insteon system had to use all three attempts to get the signal through and activate the end device.


A 2 hops left indicates the best and ideal Insteon network you could possibly have. As it literally required one ping to reach end to end and activate the device.



Encrypted By: Phoenix Security Solutions

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At insteon.com there is an insteondetails.pdf document that has information on Insteon.  SmartLabs considers Insteon proprietary so some of the really good information is not generally available.  One can subscribe to confidential Insteon information which requires a nondisclosure agreement so you cannot discuss it on the forum if you chose to go that way.   

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Wow, failed again last night at exactly the same time!

I wonder if something else external to the system is triggering this.

I will experiment with ext cords and the filters when then arrive in (5) days.


Now, I see that there is an ISY program (Query All) that runs at 3:00AM every day.

My guess is if the device had poor communications, this program triggers the false door open some how.


I see the door shows closed and then immediately open.



Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 2] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 2]       ST 255
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 1]       ST   0
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D-CMP 000A] STS [2F 76 5C 1] ST op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 2] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 2]       ST   0
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The first high lighted line is showing Relay state, the second high lighted line is Sensor state.   It is not showing door position changed as the two lines are not for the same node.  It is important to post several Query results before and after the IO Linc Queries. 

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The first high lighted line is showing Relay state, the second high lighted line is Sensor state.   It is not showing door position changed as the two lines are not for the same node.  It is important to post several Query results before and after the IO Linc Queries. 

OK, thanks.

I take it the 1 after the device is Sensor and 2 is relay.




Fri 12/05/2014 02:58:04 AM : [        Time] 02:58:06 3(0)
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:58 AM : [        Time] 03:00:00 3(0)
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:58 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 24 FE 1E 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:58 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 24.FE.1E 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:58 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 24.FE.1E 30.6A.C6 2F 96 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:58 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 24.FE.1E-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:58 AM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 24 FE 1E 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:59 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 24.FE.1E 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1 06        (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:59 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 24.FE.1E 30.6A.C6 2F 2E 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:59 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 24.FE.1E-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:59 AM : [iNST-ERX    ] 02 51 24 FE 1E 30 6A C6 15 2E 00 01 01 00 46 20 20 1B 00 1A 00 00 00 02 00 
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:59 AM : [Ext-Direct  ] 24.FE.1E-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:59 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 24 76 5C 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 02:59:59 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 24.76.5C 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:00 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 24.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2F 59 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:00 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 24.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:00 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 25 00 B0 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:00 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 25.00.B0 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:00 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 25.00.B0 30.6A.C6 2F 74 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:00 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 25.00.B0-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:00 AM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 25 00 B0 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:01 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 25.00.B0 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1 06        (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:01 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 25.00.B0 30.6A.C6 2F 2E 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:01 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 25.00.B0-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:01 AM : [iNST-ERX    ] 02 51 25 00 B0 30 6A C6 15 2E 00 01 01 00 44 20 20 1F 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:01 AM : [Ext-Direct  ] 25.00.B0-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:01 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 21 F1 D6 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:01 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 21.F1.D6 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 21.F1.D6 30.6A.C6 2F 55 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 21.F1.D6-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 01
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 27 00 01           (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 23 00 01           (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 01
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 23 00 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2B 00 01           (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 01
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 01           (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 01
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 01           (01)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 00
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 2] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 2]       ST 255
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 1]       ST   0
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D-CMP 000A] STS [2F 76 5C 1] ST op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 2] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 2]       ST   0
Fri 12/05/2014 03:10:06 AM : [        Time] 03:10:08 3(0)
Fri 12/05/2014 03:20:08 AM : [        Time] 03:20:08 3(0)
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The 3 AM Query sequence for 2F.76.5C has poor comm and duplicate responses


Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 01 Query Sensor

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 27 00 01           (01) actual Sensor Query response

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 00 Query Relay

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:02 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 23 00 01           (01) duplicate Sensor Query response applied to Relay Query

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0 


Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 01 Query Sensor

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00) actual Relay Query response

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 23 00 00           (00) duplicate Relay Query response applied to Sensor Query ----     door looks Open because Relay is Off

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 00 Query Relay

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2B 00 01           (01) actual Sensor Query response

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.76.5C 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00) actual Relay Query response

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


With the duplicate Query responses applied to the wrong node the door looks Open when actually Closed.

Causes Program to trigger True later.




Note the 3 AM Query sequence for 2F.78.1B which follows has no duplicate Query responses. 


Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 01 Query Sensor

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:04 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 01           (01)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 00 Query Relay

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 01 Query Sensor

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:05 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 01 06          LTSREQ (01)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 01           (01)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 78 1B 0F 19 00 Query Relay

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2F.78.1B 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.78.1B 30.6A.C6 2B 00 00           (00)

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.78.1B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Next activity occurs because duplicate Relay Query response makes door look Open when actually Closed 


Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 2] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 2]       ST 255

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 1]       ST   0

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D-CMP 000A] STS [2F 76 5C 1] ST op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2F 76 5C 2] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:06 AM : [  2F 76 5C 2]       ST   0
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I am not sure what to make out of this.

I understand the poor communications. Hopefully my extension cord test and filters once they arrive will solve this.


The duplicate responses?

"With the duplicate Query responses applied to the wrong node the door looks Open when actually Closed.

Causes Program to trigger True later."
Is this an ISY bug or just a result of poor communications? Seems like both to me.
Thanks for your explanation, it is helping me understand the log better.
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Unfortunately the Insteon Query response does not allow a correlation to the issued Query command.  The duplicate Relay response that arrives after Sensor Query but before the actual Sensor Query response looks just like the Sensor response.


Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 23 00 00           (00) duplicate Relay Query response applied to Sensor Query ----     door looks Open because Relay is Off
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0
Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2F 76 5C 0F 19 00 Query Relay

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2F.76.5C 30.6A.C6 2B 00 01           (01) actual Sensor Query response

Fri 12/05/2014 03:00:03 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 2F.76.5C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


The Hops Left is different but that does not indicate which Query response.  That is why having all the event records are so necessary.  I know the Query response received after the Sensor Query was sent belongs to the Relay because it shows an Off state.  Also the actual Sensor Query response showing Sensor On comes back next but the duplicate Relay response has already been applied to the Sensor Query.


Also this is not the first time duplicate Query responses have been seen.  For those users who have an Off state when the door is closed are not bothered by the duplicates because both the Sensor and Relay report Off.   

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I had the same issue.  My fix was simple.  There is a "Query All" program under "Programs".  I simply unchecked "Enabled" on the right side, hit "Save Changes" and haven't had an issue since.  


I have mine setup to text me if the door is open for more than 15 minutes.



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