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Timers not working properly


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I recently had to restore my PLM as it was not communicating at all with my devices.  Once I did this I then did individual restores on all of my insteon switches to be sure everything communicated properly.  This worked, and all timed scenes and links all working fine, but my timers seem to be not working.  I have several switches that I have created timer programs for so they turn themselves off after preset times.  (ceiling fans and a couple of lights)


Example of one of my programs follows:



       Control 'Master Bath Fan' is switched On

    or Status 'Master Bath Fan' is On


       Wait 15 min

       Set 'Master Bath Fan' Off


     - no action


If I use the computer and the administrative console to turn the switch on then the program runs properly, but if I use the switch the way the program was designed to be used then nothing happens.  The PLM does not seem to realize that the switch has been activated.


Any advice?




Turn on the Master Bath Fan. From the program tab, observe the "flag" to the left of the program name. Is it green? or red?


You might want to check the program line  "Control 'Master Bath Fan' is switched On" to make sure it's still correct. You should also check your switch link records. You can also try a restore device for the switch to rebuild the links.


The flag does not change color when I manually turn on the switch.  The line is correct in the program.  When I turn on the switch from the administrative console on the computer the flag does turn green and the program executes properly.  I ran the show links diagnostics for both the PLM and the switch.  They both do have each other listed as links.  I have done a system restore on each of the switches, no help.  These programs used to work fine.  For some reason the PLM or the ISY do not seem to recognize signals sent from the switch itself.


Select the Master bath Fan device from the Main tab. Manually flip the device a few times. Does the "Current State" indicate correctly?


In the main tab none of the devices changes status when I push the buttons for on or off.  If I query it then it reads it properly though, but only if I actually hit the query button.


Use a long extension cord to power the PLM from another part of the house. What's the result?


No good.  Still won't automatically detect status change of insteon device.  Plugin of my PLM is on a power box just off of my breaker box in basement.  Have tried to move it to different locations however with same results.  All of my switches and devices are also dual band if it matters.  They do communicate, since I can query them without difficulty, and the PLM will give them commands flawlessly, the main issue is that it does not automatically detect status changes anymore.


Still no good.  Just as well also, because I have over 200 insteon switches, and to factory reset and reload all of them would take forever.


What type of PLM, 2412 or 2413?

How long has PLM been in use?

With 200 devices how many link records in PLM?

What ISY firmware is being used?


I suspect the link record capacity may have been exceeded or PLM is losing link records.  Direct device control from Admin Console and Query does not use link record.  


PLM has been in use for about a year.  Model 2413.  331 Links.  Firmware 4.2.18.

I haven't made any changes to my system.  I recently updated the firmware in my ISY, and after that I had to restore my PLM as it didn't seem to recognize it anymore.  It now recognizes it and functions well, but the PLM or ISY don't seem to automatically sense changes made to the status of any of my switches.  It worked fine previously.  If I look in the links table for the PLM as well as each of the switches they do contain links to each other listed in the tables.


I do not think 331 links would support more than 200 Insteon devices.  Add to that the link records required for Scenes makes 331 even less likely.


A SwitchLinc without any Scenes has two PLM link records.   Each KeypadLinc 8 button has 9 PLM link records, 6 button KPLs have 6 PLM link records.  PLM link records add up quickly with over 200 devices.


I have 1 IR link with 20 total IR codes programmed, 4 8 button dualband keypads, about 80 dualband dimmers, and about 45 dual band on/off switches.


OK.  Double checked my links on PLM, and most switches had only one link, not two.  So I have been deleting and re-adding switches one at a time to the ISY, and this seems to be solving my problem.  The switches I added back are now being sensed automatically whenever I turn them on or off.  Not quite sure why the links disappeared in the first place however.  It will be a fairly time-consuming process to get my system back to its original condition, but should be able to do it.  Any thoughts on why this would have happened in the first place?


Some of the older PLM's have had hardware and firmware issues which have since (and hopefully) been resolved in the current version of the 2413S. It's possible that your PLM is starting to fail. If you continue to have similar issues you might want to consider replacing the PLM while it's still under warranty.


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