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Fanlic controlled by two KPLs


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I have a fanlic controlled by two 8 button KPLs. Button "A" on each KPL controls the light. When I push the button on 1 KPL, the light comes on and button "A" on each KPL lights up. This is what I want. Button A on each KPL is a controller in the "fan light scene" along with the fanlinc light as a responder


Buttons C,D,E,F on each KPL controls high, med, off, low


The 4 buttons on each KPL C, D, E, F controlling the motor on the fanlinc are controllers for 4 scenes, high, med, off, low. Each of the scenes has two controllers (1 button from each KPL) and the other 3 buttons from each KPL are responders

Scene 'high' sets button C on each KPL (controllers) to 100% and buttons D, E, and F on each KPL (responders) to 0% and the fan motor to high
Scene 'medium' sets button D on each KPL (controllers) to 100% and buttons C, E and F (responders) on each KPL to 0% and the fan motor to medium


Each KPL operates the fan speed correctly with only 1 button out of the 4 fan speed buttons illuminated at any one time BUT does not change the corresponding button illumination on the other KPL. E.G. pressing D on KPL 1 results in the fan operating at medium speed and button D on KPL 1 being illuminated but button D on KPL 2 does not illuminate; the "off" button E on KPL 2 just stays illuminated. Am I missing something or is this not possible to do just with scenes and do I need to trigger an ISY program to change the button illumination?





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Do you have five scenes (i.e., light, high, medium, low, off)? Is each button both a controller and a responder for its respective scene? Are the fan speed button for the "other" speeds included with an On-level of off? Have you verified that the On-level for the both corresponding speed buttons are set to on? And especially, any questions about my questions?

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thanks, I believe that have it set up the way you mentioned. There are 8 entries for the scene "fan high" which is button C on each KPL. the scene "fan high" has 1 entry for the fan motor, 4 entries for the C,D,E,F buttons on KPL1 and 4 entries for the C,D,E,F buttons on KPL2. The 2 C button entries are controllers, the rest are responders. The 2 C entries are set to 100% and the other 6 button entries to 0% in the scene. If I click on either C button entry in the scene, it shows no entry for itself and the C button entry for the other KPL is at 100%. All other 6 button entries are at 0%. The 4 C,D,E,F buttons are set to Non-toggle (on) in each of the KPLs



yes, I have 5 scenes (light, high, medium, off, low). If I push say the high fan button © on KPL1, the C button lights and the off button (E) that had been lit goes off and the fan turns on to the correct speed. What does not happen is that the fan button © on the other KPL does not light up and the off button on the other KPL remains lit. In other words there is no synchronization between the two KPLs. I do not have for example, the C button for each KPL entered in the "fan high" scene as both a controller and responder, just as a controller... not sure if that is what you were asking


thanks for your help

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You should be able to do it with scenes.   By chance, is communication between the KPLs marginal?

Are they on the same circuit?  Different circuits?

You might try restoring both, to be sure their links are up to date.


If you click "On" for the scene in the Admin console, everything reacts correctly right?

If so, you can also go to each controller for each scene, and click "Copy Scene Attributes from <SCENE>" to make sure they are set correctly.

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thanks, I believe that have it set up the way you mentioned. There are 8 entries for the scene "fan high" which is button C on each KPL. the scene "fan high" has 1 entry for the fan motor, 4 entries for the C,D,E,F buttons on KPL1 and 4 entries for the C,D,E,F buttons on KPL2. The 2 C button entries are controllers, the rest are responders. The 2 C entries are set to 100% and the other 6 button entries to 0% in the scene. If I click on either C button entry in the scene, it shows no entry for itself and the C button entry for the other KPL is at 100%. All other 6 button entries are at 0%. The 4 C,D,E,F buttons are set to Non-toggle (on) in each of the KPLs


There is a finer point that LeeG is making that I would like to emphasis.  In addition to clicking on the scene name (whether it be low, medium, high, whatever), you must also click on the corresponding two ON buttons (C, D, E, or F) within that scene.  Each of those will show a corresponding set of responder devices, as well.  Make sure that these responder levels are also correct.


For example, when you select button C, you will see a responder button C, two each responder buttons D, E, and F, and the motor.  Make sure the C button is set to 100%.  I suspect you will find it is not.

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The ISY will not let me put the pair of buttons into a new scene as controllers since they are already used as controllers in a scene. Thanks anyway for the suggestion.



I tried your suggestion of triggering the scene from the admin console... good suggestion. The fan operates as it should and the light on one button of one of the KPLs changed but not on the other KPL; so, I thought I would try removing and re-adding it before I tried a full reset as you suggested and that worked. 


thanks for for the suggestion


Adding all the KPL buttons to the scenes causes a lot of ISY writing to occur. I sometimes get a message saying that communication with one or the other KPL is lost but I notice that the progress bar keeps on going and things seem to finish o.k. Is this a concern or is it normal? This seems to happen sometimes when I do the "Copy Scene Attributes" To be safe I repeat the copy until I get a cycle without the message occurring. Not sure if I need to do the repeat step(s) 



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thanks, I was aware of that. The levels were o.k. I had checked and rechecked these a number of times. Perhaps there were some bad or missing links. Once I removed and re-added the KPL that did not respond to the scene correctly from the admin console everything worked as it should. 

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