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Best Insteon/Z-Wave device for electric fireplace


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Hey everyone,


In my basement we have an electric fireplace that is really never used, to the point it's not even plugged in even though it's really new.  I'd like to connect it to the network now as part of a scene, as the device can be always on, so plugging it in turns it right on, meaning I can automate it.  I'm going by memory since I'm not at home so I can't remember if it has a 2 or 3 prong plug.  I feel like it would be 3 but for some reason I have 2 in my head but will confirm.  Would the Insteon plug in appliance module be the best option?  I also have a spare Z-Wave GE Outdoor Module similar to the Insteon one which I feel like would work as well since I already have it.  Or debating on one of the OutletLinc or whatever they are called outlet's as well.  Any suggestions or does it really make a difference?  Thanks!

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