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Heartbeat function on 2843-222 Rev.1.9 Open/Close Sensor


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ISY Firmware 4.2.18

ISY UI 4.2.18

Hidden Door Sensor 2845-222 v.44 (I presume this is the firmware version)

0615 V1.4 (I presume this is the hardware version and the 0615 is 6/15, the date of manufacture as I bought it end of July)


See attached.


Edit to add - Oh, you were looking for Door Sensors, not Hidden Door Sensors.  Oh well.



Edited by zerop
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Does this mean we can crack this unit open and use it for a voltage level crossing detector for other uses complete with a heartbeat and other functions?


With a voltage divider this could detect any voltage for a feed into ISY for solar systems battery chargelevels or other analogue sensor inputs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Received another Open - Close sensor the other day with a hardware production date of 4114, revision 1.B, ISY firmware listed as v.43.


This is the first Open - Close / Trigger Linc that does not have the mechanical jumper. I understood that the next Beta release would offer a software option to access the jumper feature.


Also, this version like many others does not have the ability to set the battery / heartbeat node values. I was a little disappointed in that because there is a project I wanted to test out with these new options. 

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  • 3 months later...

Bringing this back to the top and wanted to know when UDI will support via software the ability to set the second node. As I received a couple more Open-Close sensors and they too do not have the mechanical jumper to enable two node use.


Its been more than six months since this thread was first created.

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Can you shed some light on the latest versions of the Open-Close sensors you received?  Does the ISY have the ability to receive an alert when the battery is low or dead (like the motion sensor)?




The Open-Close sensor still only has the three nodes: Open, Closed, Heart Beat. Please keep in mind it does not offer any method to fine tune any values like was seen in the hidden door sensor.


Also, as stated above the current 4.4.1 Beta firmware does not support the ability via software to enable the two node option which is a requirement now since the mechanical jumper has been removed from the hardware device.


Lastly, the heart beat function in the open-close sensor in most cases serves a better purpose when compared to the low battery warning in my mind.


Don't get me wrong, it would be ideal and better to have both like is in the hidden door sensor.


But since that isn't present the heart beat feature does in a general sense offer better insight. Because if you're in range of a dual band device the heart beat will be received and if not it wont.


If you also don't receive a heart beat with in the 24 hour period using Belias excellent leak sensor program than its assumed its out of range of a dual band device or the battery is dead.


So in essence the heart beat provides RF distance confirmation and battery state. 

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Very much appreciate the detailed response... I'm currently running v4.3.26 so would I still be able to implement Belias' leak sensor program to monitor the battery status in the device?


Hello K5map,


Absolutely, and it has nothing to do with being on 4.3.26 at all just for your own edification. Keep in mind you don't need to use his program at all but use a simple one. The reason I and pretty much everyone uses his excellent program is that it has several checks and balances which are very well thought out and proven to work.


Off the top of my head the main driver to use Belias Leak Sensor program is that it checks to see if the program is running if not notify the user. Next, indicate if a sensor has missed the 24 hour heart beat window and continue to monitor and declare a fault until such time as the heart beat is seen etc.


Lastly, you can modify the existing program to indicate the open-close sensor has tripped instead of a leak. In my use case I have them wired to a 3rd party localized flood stop units around the home. This essentially allows me to integrate Insteon into my HA system and security alarm panel for a modest cost and *No brainer install / notification*


Ha . . .


Merry X-MAS!

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