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Turning KPN on triggers Program off … why ?


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I installed my ISY and switches beginning of December and my Sunset has worked perfectly until last week. When KPL is turned on via program, based on the log, it triggers the KPN lights off program. Aside from deleting a few LampLinc modules from Christmas, nothing has changed, so I am baffled why the lights are suddenly turning off …

Could someone have a look through my program and see what I have programmed wrong ?




Living Room Lights                       On                                 16:43:55   Program

Living Room Lights                       Status       100%         16:43:56   System

KPL Front Door - Ext Lights       On                                 17:03:55   Program

Scene:Lights - Button B             On                                 17:03:55   Program

KPL Front Door - Ext Lights       Status       100%         17:03:55   System  <<<< KPL switch ON

KPL Back Door - Rear KPL - B    Status       100%         17:03:55   System

KPL Front Door - Ext KPL - B     Status       100%         17:03:55   System

Family Room Pot Lights             Off             0                  17:03:55   Program <<<< all lights go off

Kitchen Sink Light                         Off             0                  17:03:56   Program

Scene:Kitchen 3 Way                  Off             0                  17:03:56   Program

Living Room Lights                       Off             0                  17:03:56   Program

KPL Front Door - Ext Lights       Off             0                  17:03:56   Program



Normal Sunset trigger



        From    Sunset

        To      Sunrise (next day)


        Set 'Family Room Pot Lights' 70%

        Wait  2 minutes

        Set 'Kitchen Sink Light' On

        Wait  3 minutes

        Set 'Living Room Lights' On

        Wait  20 minutes

        Set 'KPL Front Door - Ext Lights' On

        Set Scene 'Lights - Button B' On <<<<<<<<<<<<<< as per log files, when this occurs, the next program triggers … WHY ?


Manual lights off via KPL …. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< based on log, this is the program is being run



        Status  'KPL Front Door - KPL - B' is Off

     Or Status  'KPL Back Door - KPL - B' is Off


        Set 'Family Room Pot Lights' Off

        Set 'Kitchen Sink Light' Off

        Set Scene 'Kitchen 3 Way' Off

        Set 'Living Room Lights' Off

        Set 'KPL Front Door - Ext Lights' Off


Posted (edited)

Something in Set Scene 'Lights - Button B' On affects the state of  'KPL Front Door - KPL - B'  Or 'KPL Back Door - KPL - B' 

When one turns On the other is still Off so the last Program is triggered turning those devices Off



        Status  'KPL Front Door - KPL - B' is Off

     Or Status  'KPL Back Door - KPL - B' is Off


        Set 'Family Room Pot Lights' Off

        Set 'Kitchen Sink Light' Off

        Set Scene 'Kitchen 3 Way' Off

        Set 'Living Room Lights' Off

        Set 'KPL Front Door - Ext Lights' Off



Post Scene 'Lights - Button B' to confirm

Edited by LeeG

The only Scene where Button B appears is binding the 2 keys together


Lights - Button B

Front KPL - B

Rear KPL - B


Both were set as Controllers when added, not sure how to query now ?


Hopefully one of the experts will chime in. The trigger for the second program is one of the Kpl B buttons turning off. It looks like you have a scene with the Kpl buttons as responders. What is the response level for each button for the scene when controlled by the isy. What does the isy show for the status of the B buttons when the second program is triggered.

More info on your set up and how you want things to function would help. For your second program I would usually use control rather than status. If I turn the button off then do x,y,z. If you have some other program or scene "a" that turns off one of the B buttons which in turn runs the program then that is an extra step. Just make "a" a controller of all of the scenes in the second program to turn them off or to just run the second program.

Posted (edited)

That will do it.  When the button B Scene is turned On each B button is turned On.  As soon as one B button changes Status the last Program is triggered.  At that point one B button is On and the other B button is Off.  The If says if either B button is Off (the checks are Ored) so Program Then clause runs turning its devices Off. 

Edited by LeeG
Posted (edited)

Ok ... maybe possible, something that might happens in milliseconds ...


But the log shows both switches On

KPL Front Door - Ext Lights       On                                 17:03:55   Program

Scene:Lights - Button B             On                                 17:03:55   Program  <<<< KPL switch ON

KPL Front Door - Ext Lights       Status       100%         17:03:55   System  

KPL Back Door - Rear KPL - B    Status       100%         17:03:55   System  <<<< switch responds On

KPL Front Door - Ext KPL - B     Status       100%         17:03:55   System  <<<< switch responds On

Family Room Pot Lights             Off             0                  17:03:55   Program <<<< all lights go off

Kitchen Sink Light                         Off             0                  17:03:56   Program

Scene:Kitchen 3 Way                  Off             0                  17:03:56   Program


So the obvious question(s) would be ...

> Why did it work properly for 5 weeks and then suddenly start failing

> I would assume this should be a very common need for other users ... so what is the proper method to turn on dual switches ?


my design is fairly simple, I basically copied this from my former X10 system
> Sunset turns of various lights in delayed progression and then turn on switch B 
> Switch B allows for turning off lights prior to a Bedtime timer
> At 11PM, another program turns off all lights in a delayed manner and final turns switch B
Edited by jim_

The scene should change the button concurrently, but try changing



        Status  'KPL Front Door - KPL - B' is Off

     Or Status  'KPL Back Door - KPL - B' is Off





        Status  'KPL Front Door - KPL - B' is Off

     And Status  'KPL Back Door - KPL - B' is Off


I coded a two KPL button B Scene, a program that has an If with the Status checks Or'ed, and turned the Scene On.  The Program triggered and ran the Then clause.


ButtonBoff - [iD 007A][Parent 0001]
        Status  'KPL 8 Dimmer v40 / KPL 8 Dimmer v40 - B' is Off
     Or Status  'KPL Relay DB v40 / KPL Relay DB v40 - B' is Off
        Send X10 'B10/On (3)'
        Send X10 'B10/Off (11)'


Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 8E CF 11 00
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.8E CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [1B 57 F8 2] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [  1B 57 F8 2]       ST 255
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [D2D-CMP 007A] STS [1B 57 F8 2] ST op=1 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [19 21 DA 4] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [  19 21 DA 4]       ST 255
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [D2D-CMP 007A] STS [19 21 DA 4] ST op=1 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [         X10]       B10
Sun 01/11/2015 09:45:45 PM : [         X10]       B10/On (3)
I would need to see the parts as they were 5 weeks ago to analyze how they work.

Tonight, it worked perfectly, log shows no OFF through the entire delay program ... lights stayed on  ... go figure


RE: changing OR to AND ... OR is required as I cant be at both switch's at the same time or am I missing something in the logic ?

Posted (edited)

The buttons should be cross-linked (Controllers in same ISY Scene)  so they would be On together or Off together.


If the symptom is intermittent the timing of the Program with the Ored If statements has enough variation to allow both buttons to be On/Off some/most of the time.  

Edited by LeeG

The buttons should be cross-linked (Controllers in same ISY Scene)  so they would be On together or Off together.


If the symptom is intermittent the timing of the Program with the Ored If statements has enough variation to allow both buttons to be On/Off some/most of the time.  


Then shall I assume adding both buttons to one scene is the same as cross-linking both buttons together ? (still learning the language and terms)

Lights - Button B

Front KPL - B

Rear KPL - B

Posted (edited)

Exactly right.  Because a KPL button functions as both a Controller and a Responder the Scene cross-linked the two Controller buttons as part of the Scene definition.


Lights - Button B

Front KPL - B - Controller

Rear KPL - B - Controller


The cross-link does not happen if the buttons were defined as Responders to the Scene

Edited by LeeG
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