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  1. Just FYI, with PLM's none existent, the fear is one of my three I have in service will die ... and the call came today from my kid ... ISY is dead Did normal reset etc ... PLM status showed NOT connected. Brought it to my house and tried several more resets, same status, ISY showed no PLM connected. Cracked the case and checked the capacitors, they all look good. A few years back I had my own failure, and read somewhere to reset the PLM x 3 in a row ... holding the reset a little longer after the buzzer stopped ... so I did and with luck this PLM works again Not sure if its on its last legs, but hopefully it lasts until PLM's are back in stock Just thought I would post this for anyone else who might have a "questionable" PLM ... its worth the extra few minutes to try
  2. Solved .... lots of leg work / testing and NOT the expected AC noise one would typically encounter ... Moved to IOLinc to isolated circuit (known clean from noise ... basically beside the PLM ... still failed Factory reset the IOLinc / reloaded, failures still present, but random on reload Checked the power terminals (plug prongs) and electrical plug ... noted some corrosion (typical long term humidity exposure) Replaced electrical plug, steel wool the IOLinc plug terminals, apply protective electric grease on terminals ... Working ... Thanks to all who responded and read my post
  3. I have 3 ISY-994 at different locations, all have i/o linc garage door modules and ALL show the same status ... You can write updates to the i/o linc all you want, they will always show the same status, yet have operated normally for years With respect to KPL, I have added, removed, factory reset several times with same result
  4. I have 2 existing KPL / Buttons (separate modules) controlling the garage door [2450 i/o linc] I'm trying to add a NEW KPL / Button so there will be 3 appearances to open / close the door ... I added the 3rd button to match the existing and remembered to set Toggle to match the existing When the new button is depressed, it flashes twice and goes dark, the buttons on the other KPL's light up, door remains closed I'm not sure what info I need to post for assistance ... please suggest what I need to look at / for to debug ?? PIC attached - Rear KPL & KPL 8 Fam are existing, KPL2 Front is the new button cheers jim
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