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Sort a to z Main Tab


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I hit the "Sort a to z" button on the main tab in the admin console just to see what would happen.  What I learned is that it sorted all of my renamed keypad linc buttons alphabetically.  I want to go back to sorting them by button address/button location.  How?  Cant find any sort options or an undo sort button. 

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So there is no going back from a Sort a to z command.  I had to reverse engineer the button locations and labels on each one of my 8 keypadlincs, re-name them so they sort in button location oreder, then re-re-name them back to useful labels.  The Sort a to z button does not allow setting of parameters (i.e. sort only the selected folder, device etc.) nor does it allow setting of sort criteria (i.e. sort ascending, descending, sort by device address, device type, ect.)  Once you hit the button every item in every folder will be sorted alphabetically ascending with no "undo".  Stay away from the sort button unless you want these results.

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