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After ISY99 Restored, Console shows error for every RF device

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I've been so happy with my Insteon and ISY99 devices for a couple of years now.. learning new things thanks to you all.  Recently a new refrigerator seemed to cause many devices to stop working, whether turned on from the KPL or iOS app. At the time I did not have a Filter Linc so troubleshooting inevitably led to a restore of the ISY99.


Once the restore was complete, every time I open the console, I get an error for every single RF device that says "Cannot Communicate with X. Please check connections.


However, all those RF devices work fine. They are all Motion Sensors, some are hard to reach otherwise I would have put them into Link mode and just re-link them all. One of them I have wired to a power adapter to avoid brining in a ladder every few months to change the battery. I wish they'd make a motion sensor you could hard wire...   (Back to the issue)


Some Tech Specs:

PLM Status: 23.99.19 v9B Connected

About Screen -Attached

Error and Event Logs - Attached


I've read about communication errors and troubleshooting but I've not put together exactly how or if that is even what is needed here...  Thank you in advance for your input.



ISY Error Log.v4.2.4__Fri 2015.01.30 02.28.48 PM.txt

ISY-Events-Log.v4.2.4__Fri 2015.01.30 02.28.33 PM.txt

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The image attached for about shows the firmware. 

All the ms works fine-  the only issue is every time I open the console, I get an error message for every single MS, saying "Cannot communicate with...."


IF I were to put each one into Linking mode, I am almost sure it would fix it, however I have too many and many are hard to reach.

For example, the hidden door sensors are screwed into the hole in the door,  one  MS at the 14 ft ceiling and I just cannot imagine that if you restore the ISY, it needs all the RF devices to be re-linked. 

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As difficult as it may be, you MUST put each battery powered device into linking mode. The Hidden door sensor does not need to be removed, see the Owner's Manual.

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