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ISY 994i Communication Issues


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ISY 994i Not Communicating status

My system has:
Firmware             Insteon_UD994 v.4.2.18 (2014-10-30-08:07:30)

UI                          Insteon_994 v.4.2.5 (2014-06-27-12:45:07)

Product                ISY 994i (1120)

                              -OpenADR (21010)

                              -A10/X10 for Insteon (21060)

                              -Portal Integration – MobiLinc (21073)


Some of the equipment I’m using:

               2334-2                 KeypadLinc Dimmer

               2450                     IO Linc v.41  Garage Door Control

               2474DWH            SwitchLinc Dimmer

               2477S                   SwitchLinc

               2342-2                 Mini Remote

               2457D2                LampLinc Dimmer Dual Band


Now on to the problem.

I recently installed the KeypadLinc Dimmer to control my porch light with the main switch.  Switch A was to open / close my garage door via the IO Linc.  Switch B was to control my patio flood light via the 2477S SwitchLinc.  Switch C was to control my garage fluorescent lights via another 2477S SwitchLinc.  The KeypadLinc was linked to the three items mentioned, and then those three items were linked back to the KeypadLinc dimmer.  Everything worked fine for about a week at which time I noticed the lights on the KeypadLinc Dimmer were no longer showing the state of the individual switches.  If I opened the garage door with the local control, I did not have indication of an open door.  The same was true for the other switches. 


I suspected there might be a problem with either the KeypadLinc or the IO Linc so after unlinking from both sides I started over.  Same results.  On an unrelated circuit, not ever controlled by the KeypadLinc Dimmer, I have a number of lamps controlled by the 2474DWH SwitchLinc Dimmer, which is in turn can be remotely controlled by the 2342-2 Mini Remote.  I also have lamps controlled by a 2457D2, again remotely controlled by another Mini Remote.  While the remotes work to turn the lamps on / off, the status is not reported back to the UDI console.  If I turn on the lamp with the 2457D2 or the 2474DWH, the UDI console will show the lamp is on.  If I turn the lamp on using the Mini Remote it will not show a change in state on the UDI console.  If I go to the main UDI screen and click on the “Query” button, the correct position of all items is indicated. 


I’ve rebooted the 994i with no improvement.  Any suggestions would be most welcome.



First, the firmware and UI should be the same version.


Second, when you indicate that you "linked" the devices, do you mean manually or by creating an ISY scene?


1.)  How do I get the firmware and UI to be the same version.  I'm not familiar with that operation

2.)  I linked the keypadLinc and switch by pressing the set button until it beeps and then going to the responder and pressing its set button.  Next I just reverse the process.


1) Follow instruction 6


2) The ISY is not kept aware of manual links. The ISY should be the only Insteon manager that you use to create links (which are actually scenes). Using any method other than the ISY can lead to unexpected results. Also, the ISY cannot test the validity of links created outside the ISY environment. You will not be able to use the ISY to restore or replace the device nor write updates.


It would be best, albeit inconvenient, to remove the devices that have been manually linked from the ISY, factory reset them and re-add them to the ISY.


I did as you recommended, manually unlinking the devices, factory resetting and then reinstalling.  I wrote a short program to open and close the garage door from the "A" (Garage Door) button on the keypadLinc.  The opener is a 10 year old Lift Master that does not have dedicated open and close buttons.  Rather a momentary contact switch causes the door to open and close.

The program is:


  Control "Garage Door" is switched On

  and Control "Garage Door" is not switched Off


  Set "Garage Door-Relay" On


  Set "Garage Door-Relay" On


This does allow the door to open / close each time I press the "A" button.


Is there some way I can get the door sensor magnetic contact to trigger the LED behind switch "A" to actually show an open or closed condition?





A program in not needed. You can accomplish it all with a scene. Here's the scene I use


Garage Door

     KPL Button (controller)

     ->I/O Linc Sensor (controller)

     <-I/O Linc Relay (responder)


The I/O Linc has the following options selected:

     LED on TX

     Relay Follows Input

     Momentary B


The KPL button is set to non-toggle On.


The button is lit when the garage door is open and unlit when it's closed.


Because out garage doors are not visible from where we enter/exit, I use a camera and an inexpensive, small CCTV monitor as a safety measure. Search eBay for:  cctv tft monitor (3.5, 4.3)  if you have a similar need.


Thank you for your help.  I have been using the ISY for about two years and never knew what a scene was used for. I’ve always depended on programs but I see that was doing things the hard way.  I did have to make one change to my IOLinc settings.  With the “Relay follows input” checked, the garage door gets close to the bottom, reverses, rises far enough to break the sensor link and then heads back closed again.  I unchecked the “Relay follows input” and that solved the problem.  My KeypadLinc light was coming on when the door was closed and going out when it was open.  I just checked the “Trigger Reverse” option and that solved the problem.


Thank you so much for your help.


First, thank you for all the help you've given me.  Now one further annoyance.  I am using MobiLinc HD on my iPhone and iPad.  When I open / close the door from either the KPL or the local control button, the garage door status does not update on my MobiLinc.  If I open the garage door status device on my iPad/Phone and press the refresh button it does update to the correct status.  Any idea how I can make it update automatically or is this the wrong forum for this question?




As a follow up to the above post.  When viewing the garage door sensor after opening / closing the garage door, the status does not change in the admin console either.  My earlier post made it sound like the problem was unique to the MobiLinc HD program.  Further, all these problems started after I purchased the KPL-6 and used one of the buttons to control the garage door via a scene.  I disabled the scene, performed a factory reset on the garage door control as well as the KPL.  No change.  The garage door status indicator does not update unless I click the refresh button to show door position.


The devices that were Factory Reset require a Restore Device to reload the device link database. Otherwise the PLM (and therefore the Admin Console) will not see the state changes.  If the Admin Console does not show the state change neither will MobiLinc.


I did a "Restore Device" on both the garage IOLinc and the KPL.  No change!  I should have mentioned earlier that before doing the factory reset, I unlinked them and then deleted them from the admin console.  After the factory reset I just added them as new devices to the admin console.  Would that have accomplished the same as a "Restore Device"?  The sensor is set as follows:

Momentary Hold 0.3 secs

Momentary B

LED on Tx

Trigger Reverse

Relay follows Input is unchecked.  When it was checked the garage door would get close to the bottom and then reverse, before starting down again.  This process kept repeating.

With the settings as above the LED on the KPL follows the garage door status properly.  If the door is open, the LED is lit.  When closed the LED is out.  If I open the door from my iPad / iPhone, status is as follows:  before pressing the sensor button the garage door sensor shows ON (closed).  After pressing the button the door begins to open.  Garage door sensor continues reading ON (closed).  Door fully open.  Sensor still reading ON (closed).  Press sensor button again and garage door starts traveling down.  When door reaches the bottom the sensor reading changes to OFF (open) even though the door is closed.  Going to the device screen and pressing the refresh button turns the sensor back to ON (closed).  I hope this information will help to solve this issue.  Thanks. Ron


Try checking relay follows input and increase the momentary hold time to at least 2 seconds. On occasion, I've even used 4 seconds.


I checked "Relay Follows Input" and just like before, the garage door gets close to the bottom and then reverses.  By increasing the time to 2 seconds and then 4 seconds the door will make it all the way to the closed position before it reverses and starts opening again.  An interesting point.  If I leave the "Trigger Reverse" unchecked and open and close the door from my iPhone/iPad the "open" / "close" indicator works properly on MobiLinc HD, but the LED on the KPL is backwards meaning it's on for a closed door and off for an open door.


Thanks Stu.  I think I read on this forum earlier about problems with the existing mag switch.  I've just placed an order with SmartHome for the switch you recommended.


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