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cannot determine Insteon Engine - new firmware?

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I received 2 new 8 button keypad dimmers to replace 2 older faulty 8 button keypads.

After swapping the first dimmer, I went into the admin console and added it. I then tried to replace the existing 8 button dimmer with the new one. Got a message saying it is working and will need to restart browser when everything is finished. When I restarted the browser, I do not see the new dimmer. Ok, so I just try to re-add the dimmer again. That's when I get the cannot determine the Insteon engine. Did a factory reset, and tried to re-add and it says that it already is added (but I don't see it in the network list).


So, I take the second new keypad, swap it in, and everything works fine.

Looking at it some more, the keypad that I could not add is labeled as 2334-226 rev 7.3 2414.

The one that works is labeled 2334-222 rev 7.4 4414.


So, any thoughts? Could I have a new dimmer that is not supported by UD?


If you "named" the device, then after a swap you will not "see" the new device because all attributes have been swapped including the name. The only difference will be the Insteon ID.


A 2334-226 is a black KPL. Is that what you have?


Ok. guess when I was doing the replace option, I was hoping it would replace the existing keypad dimmer and maintain all the programming.

I have a black 8 button Keypad dimmer. Not sure what KPL stands for?


You should have the old KeypadLinc (KPL) names with the new Keypad Dimmer Insteon address. KeypadLinc (KPL) is what the device has been called for many years before Smarthome changed the name to Keypad.


Replacing the device should affect both scenes and programs. But, if you gave the original device a name, then the new replacement will be given the same name. The new device will appear exactly like the old device. You won't "see" any difference. The Insteon ID will be the only clue that you swapped devices.


KPL = KeypadLinc. New Keypad dimmers dropped the "Linc," but the On/Off device is still called a KeypadLinc.


Replacing the device should affect both scenes and programs. But, if you gave the original device a name, then the new replacement will be given the same name. The new device will appear exactly like the old device. You won't "see" any difference. The Insteon ID will be the only clue that you swapped devices.


KPL = KeypadLinc. New Keypad dimmers dropped the "Linc," but the On/Off device is still called a KeypadLinc.

My "original" 8 button keypad did have a name (Ktichen - A, Kitchen - B, Kitchen - C, etc...for each of the 8 buttons). When I replaced the original keypad and restarted the Admin console, all 8 of the Kitchen devices had a red exclamation mark next to it. At that point, I just decided to delete the original Kitchen device, and try to add the new keypad. That is when I started to have the problem with not being able to add a device because it says either it is already added or cannot determine engine.


At this point, I went and installed another keypad that I have (this one is white), renamed just like the original (kitchen - a, kitchen - b, etc) and it is working.


So I am still not sure how to get my black keypad installed and working?  I have another faulty keypad that I would like to replace with this one.


The ! usually indicates a communication difficulty. That you successfully replaced it with different Keypad is good.


Wire in and add the black Keypad only. A good tool is an extension cord cut in half to power the Insteon device and connect (plug-in) a load, such as a lamp, to the other half. On a 2-wire extension cord, the neutral side (wide blade) has a rib, the line side (narrow plug) is smooth.


I will wire in the black keypad in a bit when I get home from work. It is going to replace a similar 8 button keypad that has been named as such: Foyer - A, Foyer - B, Foyer - C, etc.


What is the correct order of steps to do so? Ideally, I would like the new keypad to maintain the same name and programming as the original that is replacing.


Add the new device first. There is no need to name it or do anything at all with it once it's added to the ISY. If the old device is in a folder, then remove it from the folder. Finally select replace the old device with the new one. The ISY will make the swap including swapping all the button names and correctly replace the device in both scenes and programs.


The new device will appear identical to the replaced device except for the Insteon ID.


THanks for all your help! Unfortunately I didn't have time to try this tonight. Hopefully tomorrow. 

BTW, is there any way I can go into the Universal Devices database and delete any reference to the Insteon ID of the black keypad? THat way, I will know for sure that it has never seen it? Just as another means to try and reduce any potential hiccup.


Oh...and great tip with the cut extension cord. Could have save me a lot of time. 


Got the new keypad installed and it is working as expected. Again, thanks so much for you help.

Having some other issues with some devices now not being recognized but I will probably start another thread after I do a little research.


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