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Integrating Thermostat 2441TH with Home/Away Programs


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Hi Guys,


Looking for some assistance here.  What I would like to do is to have the heat/cool setpoint change based on whether I am at home or away automatically.  It seems like such as simple task but I cannot get it to work.


I have 2 buttons on a keypad assigned to home/away and they change the value of the home and away variable based on which button is pressed.  ie - if "home button" is turned on, $home = 1, $away = 0 and vice versa.  This is not my problem as I have notifications set to send me a text when the status of these buttons change.


In my thermostat folder (which runs with no parameters as a subfolder to "my programs" folder), i have 2 subfolders, home and away, which run based on the value of the home/away variable.  Again, when I change the status of the buttons, I can see that the proper folder is selected (based on green/red border of the folder)


It seems my problem is that when I press the away button for example, the isy does not send the updated heat set points to the thermostat.  Here is the programming that I am using.  Maybe you guys who have more experience at this than me can point me in the right direction


Parameters to run "away" folder - if $away = 1, then run programs in this folder


There are 2 programs within the away folder, one for heat and one for cool, with similar programming as below.


Thermostat Away Weekday Heat Copy 
        Status  'Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat
        Set 'Thermostat - Main' 16° (Heat Setpoint)
        Set 'Thermostat - Main' Fan Auto
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
I feel like i'm missing a program/action to tell the ISY to tell the thermostat what I want the setpoints to be.  Can anyone help me out? Am I on the right track or am I missing the boat completely.








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Status runs only if the status changes unless another statement also causes "If" to be evaluated at any partiular time.


            Status  'Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat
     and Contol 'KPL button' is Switched ON
Also, you don't need the fan statement. The fan is always set to automatic (unless you change it to Always ON) and will run whenever heating os cooling is called for.
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