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Autelis Bridge - Pushing data to Smart Energy Groups (SEG) Guide


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I wanted to let everyone know the latest 4.3.1 Beta release allows us to send our Autelis Bridge data to SEG. With the great help of my dear from Xathros I have been able to push the temperature state variables into SEG. I've only included the first 18 as I have 72 sensors in my set up.

So given the massive amount of work it takes to create all of the resources and streams in SEG. I decided to only publish the one's that are important to me and for those interested in seeing the basic's I have in place.

I will be doing a step by step guide from start to finish to help those who wish to do the same. This will be published in my *Install Guide* at the Brultech forums.


I can't thank the entire UDI Team enough for incorporating this amazing feature into the latest Beta 4.3.1 firmware release. Having this ability extends the interaction and integration of third party devices while using the ISY Series Controller as a bridge to other cloud hosted services.


This is truly how the cloud is supposed to be harnessed and used with other on premise controller and its like.


I have to again call out my friend and partner in crime the all mighty Xathros! With out his ongoing support and guidance I would not have been able to accomplish so very much. 


Xathros: Virtual Beer for you . . .


Below is a quick screen shot of the first 18 of 72 1 wire sensors pushing temperature readings from my beautiful home.


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What is this guide for and what products do I need to get up and running to mirror the same? This guide has been created to help those who own an Autelis Bridge that communicates to the ISY Series Controller.


NOTE: This guide can be used for any other third party devices which send data to the ISY Series Controller. Whether that be a Z-wave device, Web Control Board, RPi, etc.


The Autelis Bridge in its current form can only display the 1 wire temperature / humidity readings with in its hosted web server. There is no means or method to (natively push) those readings to any third party hosted services like SEG.


Using the power of the ISY Series Controller we can now use it as a bridge to push those data sets to cloud hosted service such as Smart Energy Groups (SEG).


QUESTION: Why do we want to push our data to a cloud hosted service like SEG?


ANSWER: Pushing your data to a free hosted service like SEG will allow you to track, monitor, and aggregate that data into meaningful charts, graphs, dials, etc. This provides the end user a method to *store* said data for later historic retrieval and viewing.


Having the ability to recall historic events allows the end user to track performance, changing events, see trends or find problems not available by instantaneous monitoring. 


This is also a great method to publish your data for others to see and compare.


QUESTION: Will this guide help me set up the Autelis Bridge to communicate to the ISY Series Controller?


ANSWER: No, it will not because its assumed you already have it set up but the information is published and documented by me below.


Some related information can be found here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/15093-firmware-130/





- ISY-994 Series Controller in any flavor.

- Autelis Bridge

- 1 Wire Sensors




- The ISY-994 must be running a minimum of 4.3.1 firmware

- Requires the Network Module




- You will need to create a free account at the Smart Energy Groups (SEG) located here: http://smartenergygroups.com





- You will need to create *State Variables* for every temperature sensor you wish to track, monitor, publish.

- You will need to create programs for each *State Variable* that are linked to a network resource.

- You will need to create either a single *Network Resource* or multiples which are linked to the variables.


- You will need a big cup of coffee, time, and patience if you have more than 25 sensors! 





- Create a free account at Smart Energy Groups (SEG): http://smartenergygroups.com





- Under *My Things* (green box) select Sites. Choose the green plus *Add a site* high lighted in the (red box) and name it with what ever you want, my site name is Autelis.


Choose save this site at the lower right.


In the (orange box) you will see my site called Autelis.







- Go back into the site you just created (orange box) and at the top right will be an option to *Add a device*  you can input what ever *name* (green box) you wish. Under the *node* name (red box) input what ever you want I used ISY.


The node name is what allows the SEG to find your ISY.


Under device type (blue box) select thermometer because we are monitoring temperature. Once all three fields are entered select save.






- Go back to the device you just created and at the top right will be an option to *Add a stream*


- A new page will open input the *Name* (red box) to what ever this stream is supposed to represent like HWT, this stream was called Secure RM.


- Under type of data (orange box) select from the drop down list *Temperature C / Temperature F for your region. I selected Temperature C as I am in Canada. 


- Calibration: In 4.3.1 the system sends the data (green box) in whole values. To obtain decimals please enter 0.1 value this will convert that whole number like 120 from the Autelis Bridge to 12.0'C. In the 5.XX frame work decimals are supported so this may not be something you need to do. But you have a solution for both moving forward.


- Stream Name: Input the same *Name* (blue box) as you did above this will allow the SEG API to find your stream.


Its important to note that the once you select *Add Stream* you need to confirm the stream name is present and how its been created. Meaning if you used the word secure rm 6a it will come out as secure_rm_6a.


Please copy and past that stream name to a notepad for later use.







- You will need the API Key from the *Site* you created which is unique to you and your device(s). This API Key is called a Site Token. I've high lighted this alpha numeric API Key / Site Token in the (red box) record this key in notepad.







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Since you already have the Autelis Bridge sending state variables into the ISY. This is simply an example of what you're going to do with them as indicated by this screen capture:


- High lighted in the red box is the state variable ID you're going to reference in the network resource.


- In the example below the state variable will be 2.14. This is the same one indicated under the *Network Resource* bolded section in the orange box: ${var.2.14} 







Create a network resource as indicated by this screen capture:


- In the red box is your unique API / Token key from your *Site*

- In the green box is the *Node Name* mine was listed as isy

- In the blue box is the *Stream Name* in the previous image it was secure rm 6a or what ever its called.

- In the orange box is the *State Variable* you created for that 1 wire sensor.

- In the purple box is the how the entire API call is formatted.







- Create a program that calls the network resource. I named my program Post Temp to SEG.




- Make the selection for the state variables as you see listed below.


- There will be a fair bit of jumping back and forth creating network resources, programs, state variables. So determine what works for you to be the most efficient in completing this task.







- Below is one of many widgets, charts, graphs you can select to represent the temperature / humidity data from the Autelis Bridge.




This chart represents the garage attic temperature that is being monitored. When the temperature exceeds various defined thresholds the ISY Series Controller initiates Insteon controlled devices to come on. The deployment of more than 72 1 wire sensors are also part of a my fire break system. 



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I tried to make this guide as straight forward as possible using written text and visual aids. Like many I learn more by seeing and doing the task this is how I learn. You will notice at first blush the SEG site appears pretty straight forward.


But in reality this site which (Sam) has created offers so much that its easy to get lost in some of the basics.


QUESTION: I see no data streaming into my new account at all?


ANSWER: There are several reasons why this could be and in no specific order please confirm or perform.


- Is your API / Token Key correct and taken from the *Site*?


- Did you create a program to call the network resource which references the state variable?


- Since you're using state variables and if the area being monitored is stable in temp. You will need to manually change the state variable so it pushes the value to SEG.


- Are you sure you're referencing the correct state variable?



QUESTION: How long does it take for the data to arrive at SEG?


ANSWER: The data will pushed to SEG immediately upon change of variable state. 



QUESTION: How do I know data is streaming from the ISY into SEG?


ANSWER: You have several methods to confirm this is the case.


- Way up top, the Site high lighted in the orange is another purple box. This indicates your site is live and data is streaming in.


- You can use the Tools -> API Trace. This will show you the data streaming in from the ISY.


- You obviously have the stream you created that will immediately show you any in bound data.


- You can set the SEG to alert you of any service interruptions. 

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Please note the features, services, and data storage offered by (Sam) the creator of Smart Energy Groups (SEG).


Is offered free to the public without guarantee or warranty expressed or implied.


This means do not count on 100% service up time or expect your data to be secure from loss or corruption. Sam has tried very hard to ensure the above is 100% at all times and his site uses no Ads or otherwise.


If you find value in his service and support please consider sending him a Pay Pal donation for his hard work and offering so much for nothing.

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  • 2 months later...

I wanted to update this thread to advise you a personal request of mine has now been pushed out to the SEG site. Almost any gadget can now track and display the following statistics.


For those who are number crunchers or who love to see more detailed data it doesn't get better than this.


Much thanks goes out to Sam at Smart Energy Groups for offering so very much for nothing. 





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  • 3 weeks later...

DATA GAP - BACK FILL AVOIDANCE: Since deploying the Autelis Bridge (AB) to integrate with Smart Energy Groups (SEG) there have been many instances in my home where temperatures have been extremely stable.


Since the above *How To* uses State Variables to track and push data to SEG if the temperature in a specific room, zone, floor, is very stable there will be no change in state and there for no data pushed to the SEG site for processing.


This leads to gaps in the graphs / charts as you see below.




As always with the never ending support from my partner in crime the all mightly Xathros has come to my aid. Below is what the graph looks like now by deploying a quick fix which simply repeats every XX minutes, hours, what have you.


As you can tell below, since incorporating this quick fix there hasn't been any drops in the graphing of this 1 wire sensor.




Below is the simple yet effective change to the existing program to insure no data gaps are seen in the SEG service. Simply by entering a repeat based on a threshold you feel is desirable will provide the granularity of charting. For me I have to balance network traffic and load given I have lots of resources and devices all interacting with the ISY Series Controller.


The beauty of this simple repeat method is if the temperature should change with in the 15 minute window. That change of state will be pushed to SEG. Should the temperature be very stable in that area say 20'C / 70'F the last known state temp will be continuously pushed and repeated to SEG until such time as the temp should change again. 


Post Temp to SEG - [iD 0270][Parent 00D1]
        $s.Autelis_Garage_Interior_Temp is $s.Autelis_Garage_Interior_Temp
        Repeat Every  15 minutes 
           Resource 'Autelis - Garage Int 10a'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
As an extra measure of fail over my partner in crime has also come up with yet another simple and elegant method to provide another layer of redundancy. Using this program insures at what ever interval the last temperature detected will be pushed to SEG.
As a test I have set it up to push the data every hour.
Given the previous program is set to push every 15 minutes which is (4) data points in an hour. This will provide a good balance of general temperature monitoring for specific areas. Keeping in mind if there is a change in state those temps will be captured regardless and allow finer data tracking.
Post Temp to SEG Fail - [iD 02A1][Parent 00D1]
        $s.Autelis_Garage_Interior_Temp is $s.Autelis_Garage_Interior_Temp
        Wait  1 hour 
        Resource 'Autelis - Garage Int 10a'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
I hope very much the above two programs will help others in solving this particular problem. Once again much thanks goes to my partner in crime Xathros!
Virtual Beer to you my friend . . . 


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  • 4 months later...

I have no works to thank you for this awesome step by step trend publisher.


As long as I bought my ISY I'm waiting the new firmware which should have graphics for variables. I don't use the Autellis, but CAI Networks PLC, do almost the same thing with 1-wire probes, but act as a PLC too.


My application is to trend the solar water heater and energy solar panels wattage. And now I'm able to do that without need to receive bilions of notifications (my hard way to do this task).


Contratulations for you and the team who helped you.


Sandry Seibert

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I have no works to thank you for this awesome step by step trend publisher.


As long as I bought my ISY I'm waiting the new firmware which should have graphics for variables. I don't use the Autellis, but CAI Networks PLC, do almost the same thing with 1-wire probes, but act as a PLC too.


My application is to trend the solar water heater and energy solar panels wattage. And now I'm able to do that without need to receive bilions of notifications (my hard way to do this task).


Contratulations for you and the team who helped you.


Sandry Seibert


Hello Sandry,


Glad this set up guide proved helpful to you and others. As stated above if it wasn't for all the input, feedback, and guidance from many others in this forum and others.


This project could not have come to life.


Ultimately, I wanted to document all of the steps in one concise place for others to follow. Nothing bothers me more than to read about how people are doing X with Y. But they never take a few moments to explain and walk people through how to accomplish the very same.


I believe sharing, coaching, and teaching others is the highest level of public service we all can do.


Merry X-MAS

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Yeah, Photobucket really screwed many of us over. I'm still in the middle of back filling thousands of photos in various forums. I'll check if they are on one of the back up drives. The problem is many of the images didn't have meaningful labels!

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Man that sucks. I didn’t realize how widespread of an issue it was.


I think I have it figured out though so no rush. I found another post where you had an example substitute variable setup and I think if I use the data logger I should be able to get ecomcms up and running. Thanks for your help!

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