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Event Viewer Questions not answered by Using Event Viewer Wiki


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When Event Viewer is set to display level  '3 Device communications events',

the Wiki indicates that the 4th column is titled 'Bracketd Insteon Address' .


Is that the best description for the values displayed?


When I do a 'Run Then' and turn off my Rear Lights program I get  command-like phrases not address in that column.

see attached .pdf


What does  '[iNST-TX-I1]'  mean?  Is that ISY Transmitting or it the PLM?

What does INST-ACK mean? Is that a device acknowledging receipt or is it the PLM?

What does D2D Event mean? Is that a device reporting a Status change?

Whats uom=0, prec=-1 mean?

What's D2D-CMP 0013 mean?


Please expand the  'Using the Event Viewer' wiki to more fully explain the information ISY is providing.





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Teken's point about studying the insteondetails.pdf document is a great point.  Much of what is seen in the LEVEL 3 trace is Insteon specifics which the Wiki nor the ISY User Guide will never teach.


First, the ISY cannot send/receive Insteon directly so all Insteon activity is physically to or from the PLM.  It may be from a device going through the PLM to the ISY but always physically to or from PLM.

It would have been better to post the event trace as a .txt file so i could include individual lines in this post.   


What does  '[iNST-TX-I1]'  mean?  Is that ISY Transmitting or it the PLM?


This is a Insteon message from the ISY to the PLM to be sent over the Insteon network.  TX-I1 is sending an I1 message.  It starts with 02 62 which indicates an a outbound message.


What does INST-ACK mean? Is that a device acknowledging receipt or is it the PLM?


This is the PLM ACKing the previous.   It is a mirror image of the line above with an 0x06 added to the end indicating the outbound message has a good structure.  A 0x15 on the end would indicate a bad message structure.  


What does D2D Event mean? Is that a device reporting a Status change?


I don't know what D2D actually stands for.  It is describing the PLM ACK above.


Whats uom=0, prec=-1 mean?


uom - Unit of Measure (I think - means more to UDI than us)

prec - Precision (I think - means more to UDI than us)


What's D2D-CMP 0013 mean?


It will require a post of your Program to explain.  Looks like an evaluation of the If but need Program to be sure.



Really need to understand Insteon details to appreciate the information in the Insteon messages. 


An Insteon message that starts with 02 6x is outbound to the PLM or device.

An Insteon message that starts with 02 5x is inbound from device.

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It can be a slow process.   Pick a few Insteon messages from a trace and analyze the contents.   It is easier today to start because SmartLabs has released so much information that was confidential not to long ago.  If you run into something that looks important but don't understand, post and I will try to answer.    


Thanks Brian, they are all good references.

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