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Isy994i reinstalled on new computer-communication another issues

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Mi Isy-994i was reinstalled on a new computer and network and is now presenting some issues:

   About= as attached; port forwarding is confirmed by the PortForwarding.com utilities; note I have changed the port to 444 as i read of some issues with 443 & Shaw.

   Config= as attached


I am not able to Enable Internet Access; reports: "Failed Enabling Access"


My programs work but I have noted that many(well-almost all)Insteon devices, when operated locally, do not update the Admin Counsel; I have gone as far as doing a factory reset and restoring the Isy- 994i but the issues remain. 


Looks like the later issue needs to be resolved to move forward.


Any suggestions as to a next thing to c=heck would be appreciated.









Enable Internet Access is not desired nor required if router has been set up with port forwarding.  The router is not set up to handle uPnP which is the reason for "Failed Enabling Access"


With Programs working, are some being triggered from local device activation? 


Thank you for your reply re the uPnP vs port forwarding; I will need to reread some of that as this seems to have escaped me.


Re the other question, I do not see my switches (push buttons) initiating any program items but I have to review this a little more.


When I looked in my program files tonight I noticed that the latest items I added, a 6 button switch and 2 new appliance plugs have gone missing and that the programs relating to them have inserted random module names; wow. This restore was from the last backup I did before transferring to a new computer. I will restore again to a file from a few days before that when I know all is well. I will test and review some more tomorrow and report back.





Some more testing:

After unchecking the UPnP box, making sure that both ports 80 and 443 are forwarded (confirmed operating by PortForardng.com program), I am still unable to remotely access the console. My confusion is that in the past, having pressed the "enable internet" button in the File menu, an address would show up in 'About' as My URL; as of now it shows just the local ip of the ISY-994i module (; this address does not work from a remote location as I believe more is need.


Re the non responding (as to updating devices/modules (On/Off) or brightness); I have made some progress:

-re your question-no, the programs were not bing initiated by ext triggers

-I performed a "Restore Modem-PLM" and the ISY admin console is now reporting devices and their new values as they are used through out home; a curious thing tho, when I pressed  "Enabled Internet" again (it reports as 'failed'), the ISY went back to not operating properly (updaing module values)-not wanting to accept that, I rebooted ISY againand all is well again-where is the gremlin-gone I hope, with the restore of the PLM.


So I am down to trying to get remote access fiqured out-will be reading more forums and manuals and look forward other advice.




The File | Enable Internet Access requires uPnP which is now disabled when uPnP box unchecked.


Enable Internet Access is not the preferred way to access external Internet.  If the router power goes out Internet access is lost until File | Enable Internet Access is done again.   Not the desired situation for a remote location.

Port Forwarding  in the router is the preferred way as it is permanent across router power lose. 


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