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Suddenly having strange issues...please help.


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Suddenly I've noticed the following at the same time...


-When I turn on the kitchen light locally using the switchlinc it turns on but nothing happens in the event viewer.  When I turn it on in the admin console it shows up in the event viewer.


-A button on my keypadlinc doesn't control the Venstar stat like it used to.  When I press the stat button on the keypadlinc nothing on the event viewer (level 3) happens.  The other button on the keypadlinc to control a lamp works but nothing shows on the event viewer when pressed.


-A Remotelinc beside my bed is used to arm and disarm the ELk M1 Gold.  Now when pressed the Elk does nothing.


-The Elk arm, disarm, etc no longer shows up at the top of the event viewer.




Any ideas what the problem is?


Thanks guys!

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This latest PLM (had failures before) is 10 months old.  I noticed in the restore PLM instructions it says to set all battery devices to programming mode.  I have tons of battery devices.  What happens if I do not set them to programming mode?

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The system will try to write to each battery device and fail. Following the guide will allow you to speed up and update one battery operated device at your own pace.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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Those not placed in programming mode won't be restored, although the ISY will take a bit time trying to write to them. They'll have 1101 to the left mean that writes are pending. If you have a Pro ISY, you can turn off writing to those devices during the restore to save time.

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I don't know if my issue is the same but I noticed that this thread was relatively new and the subject line is exactly what I wanted to say so here goes....


I recently replaced 5 single band switches (2 KPLs and 3 dimmers) with dual-band ones. I wiped the new devices first, did a discovery through the ISY and then did a replace. Switches are fine. But right around that time, other scenes and programs that have nothing to do with these new switches started failing sporadically. In some of them, some of the lights respond while others don't. These scenes/programs were working 99.9% of the time before I installed these new switches. Everything in the ISY seems to be set up fine.


So what does one do? Should I update all devices through the ISY? What about doing something with restoring the PLM? Does that "clean" everything up? And can I do it remotely while I am connected to my home's ISY from my office?


Thanks for any help.

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definitely more than 2 years old. I would say at least 5 but I wouldn't even remember. I don't even know if it is single band or dual. Is there a way to check that from the ISY?


I assume this is what I would need? http://www.smarthome.com/powerlinc-modem-insteon-2413u-usb-interface-dual-band.html


Also, is there anything I can do now to try to correct this before spending $80 on a replacement?


As we speak, I just connected to the ISY remotely and three devices can't communicate (not the new ones). A query, which usually works, isn't helping now. Could this all be related to the PLM?

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Got it. I was wondering what the difference was between the USB and serial. I gather by your comments that I must get the serial one. Thanks for the warning not to delete the PLM.


1) Any idea how to check which version I have now (remotely)?

2) Can I do a restore PLM remotely from my office?

3) But you all believe that my newly sporadic issues as well as the failure to connect to three devices is all related to the PLM?


Thanks for all the help.

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The PLM firmware is displayed by Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Info/Status. This can be done remotely. The ISY only works with a Serial interface PLM.


The File | Restore Modem (PLM) can be done remotely.


There is a known issue with the capacitors in the older 2413S PLMs. Restoring the PLM is a logical point in evaluating the problems with the new devices. The PLM records would have to be updated with the new device addresses. There is no absolute way of knowing for sure about the PLM without taking some corrective steps. If the PLM Restore is successful but the device issues remain then more analysis will be necessary.

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All the PLM Info/Status says is F.9G.6D v92/Connected. How can I tell how old it is or whether it is even single or dual band?


The only sure why is to look on the back to see what model it is whether its a older single band 2412S vs the dual band 2413S. As I recall hardware v.92 was present for the 2412S.


For some reference if you had a 2412S and compared it to the 2413S in terms of shear weight the 2412S weighs about twice the same weight as a 2413S.


Lastly, you can keep the older unit and follow the capacitor replacement guide and have a back up. This assumes only the capacitors have failed. As a very small percentage of users had other components fail besides the caps.

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I just checked my older module stock.

White Sticker:




Has v.92 Firmware in it.

I also know mine has rework in it.

Two of the capacitors. Are hanging off the PCB.

A fly wire to the solder side. From one of the + side of a capacitor.

An added coil between the two capacitors + leads. That hanging off the PCB.

The capacitor fix should still apply but due to the rework. May require more skills.


BustRat PLM Test for the Get IM Info Command. On the above PLM.

Busyrat PLM Test Tool ver 1.1
Press 'H' for help.  Right-click or press 'M' for a menu.
2015 JUL 29   16:24:36    <<< Time Marker >>>
COM1 opened at 19200,N,8,1
PLM>02 60
16:24:55.3 Tx 02 60
16:24:55.5 Rx 0F 9E FA 03 11 92 06

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We all made a lot of assumptions :). I checked last night and I have the 2413S and I do have a separate power cable going to the ISY. But we still have confirmation that it is v.92. I still don't remember how old it is. I am scared to do a restore modem because, if it fails, I will be without anything until I get a new 2413S delivered. So any other ideas?


Ironically, last night and this morning everything worked perfectly.

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If there is a white sticker on the back. The numbers on it should give you an idea of approximate age.

It is most likely a V1.0 as my original 2413S was a V1.0 with v.92 firmware in it.

If it is working now. You may want to hold off on the restore modem.

Though one of the symptoms of the failing power supply. Is Link Database is empty or some of the links are gone.

If it is a hardware V1.0 the capacitor fix should still work but it will have rework on the PCB and capacitors hanging off of it into the case.


White Sticker on mine:




Has v.92 Firmware in it.

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Link record content problems are not intermittent. With things working correctly now the most likely causes are intermittent comm problems, an appliance that generates noise or signal absorption, general comm issue because of device distance, etc. or the power supply in the PLM has become marginal.


The PLM capacitor failures are well documented in this forum.


The choice is to examine the general comm reliability of whatever devices/Scenes that were not working before. Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. Perform the activities that were not working before looking at command retry, Hops Left count stability, for example to see if comm is marginal. The fact that a light turns On or Off does not indicate comm is good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is just out of control. Now the issues have become even worse. Programs show as run (with devices showing as updated) in the admin panel but the devices didn't change at all. Every time I connect to the admin panel now, it says that it fails to connect to nearly all of the devices and I get red exclamation points. I did a query last night and it took an hour to clear those exclamations. Things worked well overnight until this AM and I am having the same problems again. I confirmed that I have version 1 of the 2413S.


I guess I am going to try a new PLM. Does anyone know if the one at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Insteon-2413S-PowerLinc-Dual-Band-Interface/dp/B002X8W4SI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439737204&sr=8-1&keywords=Insteon+2413S) for $62 with Prime Shipping is the same as the $80 one from SmartHome (http://www.smarthome.com/powerlinc-modem-insteon-2413s-serial-interface-dual-band.html) which usually takes over a week to arrive?



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This is just out of control. Now the issues have become even worse. Programs show as run (with devices showing as updated) in the admin panel but the devices didn't change at all. Every time I connect to the admin panel now, it says that it fails to connect to nearly all of the devices and I get red exclamation points. I did a query last night and it took an hour to clear those exclamations. Things worked well overnight until this AM and I am having the same problems again. I confirmed that I have version 1 of the 2413S.


I guess I am going to try a new PLM. Does anyone know if the one at Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Insteon-2413S-PowerLinc-Dual-Band-Interface/dp/B002X8W4SI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439737204&sr=8-1&keywords=Insteon+2413S) for $62 with Prime Shipping is the same as the $80 one from SmartHome (http://www.smarthome.com/powerlinc-modem-insteon-2413s-serial-interface-dual-band.html) which usually takes over a week to arrive?




As stated you were just living on borrowed time with that older PLM in place. Yes the Amazon 2413S PLM is the same but you should note unless the buyer is actually from Smarthome.


You risk purchasing another PLM that has the capacitor issues.


Smartlabs is now selling hardware 2.XX now which is supposed to incorporate better capactiors and also resolves the ALL ON / ALL OFF issues a limited amount of people have seen and experienced. If you decide to purchase the cheaper PLM from a 3rd party vendor you have really two choices.


Take a risk you get a hardware 1.XX version and at some point you can do the capacitor fix yourself to avoid the 2 year failure. Or gamble that you will indeed receive the latest 2.XX hardware with the new firmware fix in place.

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