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Smart home hub security flaws


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A security research firm has found that three top-selling smart home automation hub products available on Amazon put households at risk...


Any speculation on the devices this article is referring too?




Took a quick glance at this site and most if not all of the information is none informative and provides little reference(s). The site actually comes off as horse sh^t material.


Clicking on their Smarthome link goes no where but talks about Apple / BMW??


Really, fail . . .


EDIT: It should be noted one of the HUB's they are speaking about has to do with the HUB v1 / v2. Which I am told was finally patched after two years of being well known. This was first issued by Cisco and some 3rd party white hats who perform security threat assessments on products / services. This is one of the reference materials I saw two years ago: http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=33393


This is the other famous one which is the Vera Lite: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2484542/application-security/home-automation-systems-rife-with-holes--security-experts-say.html

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There's no mention of SmartHome products. A smart home (two words) is a generic term. This tells a lot, CBR contacted Tripwire to ask which three smart home hubs have been tested, but the company was unavailable to comment at the time of publication.

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