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Insteon open close sensor not linking to PLM/ISY

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Tried many ways to get link - cant make anything happen. New user and trying to find my way. Anyone want to help!


Besides what Stu has suggested I wanted to make sure your environment is populated with enough dual band devices. If the sensor is very far away from the 2413S PLM please temporary bring it next to the device for linking. It also goes with out saying if your ISY Series Controller has not been updated for awhile.


Please consider updating to the latest 4.3.10 RC5 build as it incorporates many new devices not previously supported etc.

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The address is the Insteon ID that looks something like 3B.FA.74. Sometimes B and 8 are hard to differentiate.


Don't forget to put the sensor into linking mode first.

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Good morning! What would cause a Responder - Dual linc switch dimmer to lose communication with ISY when no other event occured. What is the proper way to reconnect??


Normally if a device was operating perfectly fine for a long period of time. The most common scenario is someone has plugged in some kind of noise maker / signal sucker. The first thing that comes to mind is the common smarphone / tablet charger. Other times its someone unplugging a dual band device that was coupling / bridging the Insteon network.


Usually seen when a vacuum cleaner is inserted to do weekly chores etc.


To connect all you need to do is select the device in question on the device tree and select query.

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ISY registers state of device when I manually turn on/off switch, appears to be able to query and restore but gives error when attempt to turn on/off from ISY controller!!



Seems to query without issue but communication is not reestablished!



and is there any way to prevent these loses of communication! the situations you mention are common and dont suggest a stable environment!!


Please state the model of switch linc dimmer to insure its a dual band unit. Please also confirm you have proper coupling / bridging to this device. You may reference the 2413S PLM user guide as to how to determine same leg / opposite leg.


Lastly, have you confirmed there are no cell chargers or similar plugged in?

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Thank you for your thoughtful replies!!


All items purchased in 2014


Switchlinc 2477D V41


Can only find quickstart guide for PLM - ?same/opposite legs??

There are always some form of Ipad/Iphone - etc chargers plugged in somewhere in house!!

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The quick start guide provides the steps for testing whether your dual band devices are on the same or opposite power legs in your panel. Because Insteon signals can travel through your powerline, its important that both legs be "bridged" so that the Insteon signals traverse both.


Dual band devices like the PLM can do this if there is another dual band device on the opposite leg. The steps in the quick start guide run the test that prove (or dis-prove) this.


Be patient with getting the 4 quick presses right, it can take a few tries to get it right.

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Not sure about the short Red flashing.  Normally the device will flash the same color for the full time PLM is sending the RF Beacon signal.   The fact that it went to White raises the question of how well RF signal is being received.


Just ran the Beacon test here.  All the Dual Band SwitchLincs flashed for as long as the PLM sent the Beacon message. 

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