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Elk REST Interface for Arm returns 404, Disarm works fine.


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I just purchased the Elk module for my ISY994i, and I'm attempting to use the http REST interface to arm the alarm.  I've got the disarm working, but the arm is constantly returning a 404.  The Disarm works almost instantly, taking less then 1 second to complete.  The arm will sit at "Waiting for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx..." for a good 30 seconds, then fail with a 404 error.








ISY994i Firmware:  "Insteon_UD994 v.4.2.30"

Elk Module Firmware: 21090


Any ideas?





On arm, the code is listed in the api docs as optional. Is your Elk configured to require the code to arm? If not, you may need to remove the &code=123456 from the arm api call.


On arm, the code is listed in the api docs as optional. Is your Elk configured to require the code to arm? If not, you may need to remove the &code=123456 from the arm api call.


I was just about to screenshot a 404 without the arm code when....it worked.


I was certain I'd tried that before!  'course, I've tried a ton of stuff recently.


Still blown away at how I missed that.  :oops:


Much thanks!



I was just about to screenshot a 404 without the arm code when....it worked.


I was certain I'd tried that before!  'course, I've tried a ton of stuff recently.


Still blown away at how I missed that.  :oops:


Much thanks!



Well....  I was determined to understand why I missed that detail...  And in case anyone else stumbles across this post, here's the answer/solution.
Turns out, I HAD tried it without the alarm code, but it still didn't work, and it was still giving me 404 errors.
Solution:  When the Alarm has violated zones, and therefor is unable to be armed by a normal keypad (without bypassing), issuing the arm command via REST will result in a 404 (You would think it would not return a 404, but rather return a 200, with a "RestResponse succeeded="false" but whatever.)  So, make sure your alarm can be armed, before you issue the REST command to arm it. ;)
Still lots of thanks to MWareman!


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