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Garage Door Issue


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I have been using mobilinc HD for awhile on the iphone.  I use a scene on the dashboard to open and close the garage door. It has always worked perfectly. Recently it has not been working correctly. The only change that has happened is the update in mobilinc for apple watch which I installed. (not sure if it is related). I tried uninstalling but did not correct my problem.

This is what should happen.


1. I press the icon to open the garage door. It opens and changes the icon to the picture with the door open

2. I press the opened door icon and it closes and changes the icon back to the picture with the door closed.


This is how it has always worked until recently. I have not made on changes.


Now this is what happens.


1. I press the icon to open the garage door. It opens and changes the icon to the picture with the door open

2. I press the opened door icon and the icon changes to the closed door icon but the door does not close.

3. I press the icon again the door closes but changes the icon to the open door one until it fully closes and changes it back to the closed door icon.


The garage is set to use only on. When i go into the ISY and activate the On in the scene it opens and when i push the On again it closes. I'm assuming that mobilinc thinks it is in the off position after the first press and the second press just puts it back to the On position. This is why it works on the second press. I have no idea how to fix this. Like I said I have made not changes. By the way I have 2 garages and both are doing the same thing.

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It sounds to me like your IOLinc relay is no longer in momentary mode (or the momentary delay is much longer than it should be) requiring you to manually turn it off then back on to make the door move again.


Check the IOLinc options.  Change the setting to something different, wait for the ISY to write the changes, then change it back to your desired momentary mode - usually momentary B with a 1 sec delay.  Make sure "Latching" and "Relay follows input" are NOT enabled.


Hope this helps.



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I am having the same issue but I can not get it fixed.


I have no scene programmed, just using on/off to control the door


The garage door will only open when on is pushed. It does nothing when off is pushed. In Mobilinc I have to push the button twice for it to open or close.


I have tried momentary a, momentary b, but cant figure out why it is not functioning correctly.


Any ideas?

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I still cant figure out a solution to what is happening here.

What are the full list of options you have set on the IOLinc?



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In addition to the button wired to the opener, are there any insteon devices you wish to use to control the door? Is mobilinc the only other method you desire to use?


One thing that jumps out at me is your statement that you have no scenes. Some of the IOLinc options have meaning and effect when responding to scene commands. My recommendation is to create a scene with the relay as responder. Then, from mobilinc, operate the scene. Set the IOLinc to mementary B (responds to both) and see if this solves your problem.

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If you need to have MobiLinc only issue ON commands to your Relay, go into the Relay details in MobiLinc->Advanced Options. From here clear out all commands except for the ON command. This tells MobiLinc to only ever send the ON command to your Relay. This will impact the Relay icon as well as the Status Icon for single icon control/status of your garage door.



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Wes, if I understand the way things work, if one sends a direct ON commend to the relay, momentary modes will not be enforced and the relay will stay on indefinitely, or until a direct off is sent. I still believe a scene will need to be created, and the door controlled via the scene. Limiting of the possible commands through the details of the device settings will not, I fear, solve this problem.


Do you have a different understanding of the way the IOLinc works?

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When using a Direct On command the I/O Linc will turn the relay Off after the Momentary Hold Time has expired as long as any of the three Momentary modes is selected.   The command actions that apply to Scene control of the Relay do not apply to Direct commands.  With Direct commands the Relay turns On only with an On command and will turn Off with a Direct Off if issued before the Momentary Hold Time has expired or if in Latching mode.   Normally a Direct Off is not used in the garage environment because one of the Momentary modes is in use.


Latching mode is not used in a garage environment because it prevents the use of the garage opener until a Direct Off is issued.  If the Direct Off is missed the garage door cannot be moved. 

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When using a Direct On command the I/O Linc will turn the relay Off after the Momentary Hold Time has expired as long as any of the three Momentary modes is selected.   The command actions that apply to Scene control of the Relay do not apply to Direct commands.  With Direct commands the Relay turns On only with an On command and will turn Off with a Direct Off if issued before the Momentary Hold Time has expired or if in Latching mode.   Normally a Direct Off is not used in the garage environment because one of the Momentary modes is in use.


Latching mode is not used in a garage environment because it prevents the use of the garage opener until a Direct Off is issued.  If the Direct Off is missed the garage door cannot be moved. 

Just when one things one understand this, I learn that I don't.  I know we have traded posts on this topic before, but for some reason, I misunderstand the conclusions.


For the rest, never mind.

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A suggestion. Although the I/O link will physically open the contact after the prescribed momentary delay, it will not announce to ISY. In order for ISY to have updated I/O state, I issue an off command after a delay period. Here are the programs I use. The lights turning on and the notifications may not be of any use to anyone else, but these work well for me.


Garage Door Closed

        Status  'Garage / Garage Door' is Off
        Wait  2 seconds
        Stop program 'Garage Door Closing'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
This program stops the 'garage door closing' program when the garage door remains in the closed position for at least 2 seconds.



Garage Door Closing

        Status  'Garage / Garage Door Operator' is On
    And $Garage_Main_Door_Status is 1
        Wait  15 seconds
        Send Notification to 'Rob and Jana text' content 'Garage Door Close Failure'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
This program recognizes when the garage door is closing using the relay state and the variable 'garage door status'. If the door has not closed in 15 seconds,
a notification is pushed.



Garage Door Opening

        From    Sunset  - 30 minutes
        To      Sunrise (next day)
    And Status  'Garage / Garage Door' is Off
    And Control 'Garage / Garage Door Operator' is switched On
        Set 'Garage / Laundry Lights' On
        Wait  5 seconds
        $Laundry_Light_Minutes  = 5
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
This program turns on Laundry Lights at night when the garage door is opened.



Garage Door Status

        Status  'Garage / Garage Door' is On
        Wait  17 seconds
        $Garage_Main_Door_Status  = 1
        $Garage_Main_Door_Status Init To 1
        Wait  2 seconds
        $Garage_Main_Door_Status  = 0
        $Garage_Main_Door_Status Init To 0
This program sets an integer value of 1 anytime the garage door is not closed. When the garage door is closed, the integer value is set to 0.



Garage IO Reset

        Status  'Garage / Garage Door Operator' is On
        Wait  15 seconds
        Set 'Garage / Garage Door Operator' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
This program sets the ISY value for the Garage Door Operator relay back to 'off'. While this is done in reality at the IO Linc due to the
momentary contact configuration, it is not reported back to the ISY. This ensures the relay is left in the off state and the ISY is


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